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GMO vs. Organic food

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Compare and Contrast Essay in MLA format with citations

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Compare and Contrast Genetically Modified Foods to Organic Foods
Modern agriculture has made great strides and is bound to make a difference in the levels of food production. Most of the convention food productions methods have low outputs compared to the newer production methods. These changes have been inspired by the level of technological development in the fields of genetics and agricultural production mechanisms, in the face of food security scares (Deike).
One of the most recent and very contentious topics of discussion along the professional realms and the social circles is that relating to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and the Organic foods. They both are some of the most common means of food production across the globe today (Anderson, Wachenheim and Lesch). They have contributed to better food production mechanisms and the food security levels have since risen to significantly safe levels. These influences from the two methods of food production have ideally gained traction in the last decade. Of the two methods, none is actually restricted to animals or plants. This means that they both have been widely applied in the rearing of animals on the farms and later sold for food (Deike).
At the same time, these methods have been widely used in the farming of plants which are also later sold for foods to the populations across the globe (Thumma). In the recent past as mentioned earlier, there have been debates on the right foods to take among those produced through either of two methods. While, the general public, thanks to some researchers felt that the GMOs may not be healthy, it has also emerged that the Organic food are not also as healthy as previously implied. At the same time, foods produced using the two diverse methods, have been found to have some subtle health benefits. While the GMOs have manipulated genes, they can also be grown organically, much like the organic foods that are not genetically modified initially (Honeycutt).
Nevertheless, there are differences that are quite contrasting between the foods that are produced genetically and those that are produced through organic farming practices. One of the most straight forward differences is tha...
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