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Glengarry Glen Ross as a Modern Tragedy

Essay Instructions:
I would like to get essay that is four full pages in length without including Name, Course Name, Instructor's Name and Date of Submission. I have attached my teacher instructions for essay. And also I have attached Glengarry Glen Ross, A Play by David Mamet ( Act One, page 15-51) from my textbook. . My teacher wants essay that is only based on “ Glengarry Glen Ross” A Play by David Mamet. ISBN is 9780802130914. This essay is based on only “Act One” from page 15 to 51. We cannot use outside source. You can use the quotations from that play. Can you use at least 3 quotations for each body paragraph? Can you add page number for the quotations and explain about the quotes? Can you also add personal opinion for about that play and characters? Thank you so much.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Glengarry Glen Ross as a Modern Tragedy
The play of David Mamet, Glengarry Glen Ross presents a story of a supervisor and his four salespersons. The supervisor is Williamson while the salespersons are Levene, Moss, Roma, and Aaronow. They are all working as a team in which they sell real estate products at high prices. The setting of the play is at the end of the month when the bosses of the company, Murray and Mitch, have launched a sales competition. The competition has consequences in which the best sales person wins a Cadillac while the worst two salespersons will be fired. A chalkboard has been established to monitor the person of the salespersons. The good salesperson, Roma is on the top of the boar while the rest of the salespersons are in trouble because they face the risk of being fired. The first scene of the play takes place at a Chinese restaurant in which Levene struggles to convince Williamson to offer him better sales leads so that he can maintain his job. He tries everything including begging, bribery, threatening and flattering but Williamson sticks to the policies of the company. The play depicts the tragedies that people are undergoing in competitive business environment of the United States. The essay is an analysis of Glengarry Glen Ross as a modern tragedy focusing on elements of the play that relates to tragedies in the modern real life.
Glengarry Glen Ross as a Modern Tragedy
Glengarry Glen Ross is a modern tragedy especially because there are elements in the play that conform to the definition of tragedy. A tragedy is a situation that causes suffering, distress, or natural misfortune. This is clearly depicted in the play when Levene talks to Williamson in the Chinese restaurant, “John…John…John. Okay. John. John. John. Look: The Glengarry Highland’s leads, you’re sending Roma out. Fine. He’s a good man. All I’m saying, you look at the board, he’s throwing…wait, wait, wait, he’s throwing them away” (Mamet 15). Levine is suffering and he has trouble in communication, which is not good for a salesperson. In addition, Williamson is not very keen on what Levine says. He insists on the need to hold to the policies of the company. When a worker expresses his/her feelings/interests to his/her seniors and the responses from the seniors is not good, this can cause tragedy as the one suffered by Levene. Most workers in the modern world are undergoing through similar experiences, which represents modern tragedy. Due to the increase in world population, supply of labor has increased significantly. As such, employers have taken advantage of this situation to mistreat the workers and offer fewer wage. This has exposed the workers to suffering and tragedies. In addition, this is a major cause of the increasing trend in poverty among groups of people. William says, “Let me tell you something, Shelly. I do what I’m hired to do. I’m…wait a second. I’m hired to watch the leads. I’m given…hold on, I’m given a policy” (Mamet 19). This shows that there are strict policies governing activities of Williamson and they cannot be changed regardless of their effects on the salespersons. This is happening in many organizations in the modern world. Administrators and managers are formulating harsh policies to maximize profits at the expense of the welfare of their workers. These policies are also manipulated to favor the interests of the owners of corporations at the expense of the workers. Moss is in a tragedy and says, “The whole fucking thing…The pressure’s just too great” (Mamet 30). This shows the tragedy he unde...
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