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Victory Lap George Saunders Summary

Essay Instructions:


This assignment is intended for you to demonstrate awareness and understanding of a given text’s relationship to the conventions of its genre, and to demonstrate an ability to analyze the text based on that understanding


In the genre essay, we explored the ways in which George Saunders’s stories fit within the category of literary fiction. To do so, we needed the help of established writers such as Arthur Krystal, Lev Grossman, and Ruth Franklin to give us a picture of what the literary genre looks like.

Based on what we learned about the literary qualities of Saunders’s fiction, the next step is to broaden the rhetorical argument. Some of the questions we can consider include, but are not limited to, the following:

1) Why does Saunders employ the stylistic qualities that he does in his fiction? What purpose is he trying to achieve? What message is he trying to convey?

2) Could the purpose and message be achieved any other way? What makes his way—his rhetorical choices—fitting or effective?

3) What can we infer about audience based on a) values embodied in the text and/or b) values mentioned by Saunders in various interviews? (Values can take the form of moral, ethical, political, cultural, literary, and more.) In what way(s) does Saunders’s implied values require or are made easier to convey through his rhetorical choices?

4) What can we infer about the context (cultural, social, political) in which he’s writing? In what way(s) does the context relate to Saunders’s stories, and the choices he makes in writing them?

You're not trying to answer all of the above questions; they're merely suggestions for starting points. For this essay, we can still use Krystal, Grossman, and/or Franklin, but for context, we can also refer to the advertising articles we read, Naomi Klein’s text on the power and effects of corporate branding, and/or David Rando’s essay on how Saunders’s technique of "postmodern intervention" was required to effect Saunders’s purpose/message involving modern working-class life.

Basic requirements

The length of the essay should be 3 to 3.5 pages. It will be typed and single-spaced, and presented in MLA format. A total of two (2) secondary sources, not including the primary text being analyzed, must be used to develop the essay. An annotated bibliography for one of your sources will be required as part of the final draft, and should be included on the page after the Works Cited page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Course title:
Rhetorical Analysis Essay
George Saunders is a renowned science fiction writer. Saunders’ Pastoralia includes dark humor and humanistic narratives regarding peculiar minutia. His other collection, In Persuasion Nation, contains the story Christmas, which is basically an autobiographical narrative. Sea Oak is one of the stories in the Pastoralia collection, and it narrates the story of Aunt Bernie who comes back from the dead after she was scared to death. This essay demonstrates an understanding and awareness of a text’s relationship to the conventions of its genre. In particular, this paper shows why George Saunders uses the stylistic qualities that he does in his fiction, the purpose he is trying to accomplish and the message he is trying to put across. The paper points out whether the message and purpose could be achieved in any other way, and what makes Saunders’ rhetorical choices effective or fitting. What can be inferred about the audience and the context in Saunders’ writing are also discussed in this paper.
George Saunders employs the stylistic qualities that he does in his fiction to convey various messages and to serve different purposes. In Sea Oak for instance, Saunders employs postmodern intervention technique in order to convey a message/purpose about modern working-class life covering the themes of religion, capitalism, and poverty. In Saunders’ fiction stories, the characters are largely losers of American history for instance the oppressed and the dispossessed. In essence, the subject of George Saunders is most of all the American working class. In essence, Sea Oak narrates an account of one or two strange weeks in the life of a working-class family. The story’s climactic even takes place when an intruder breaks into the apartment of the family scares aunt Bernie to death, literally. One of the cops who were called to check on her stated that “I suspect she died of fright...fright of the intruder” (100). This narrative represents a working-class family and reflexively and greatly aware of its incapability to express the family’s as well as its own strange hauntedness. The limit of the story’s mainly realistic representational strategy call for a major intervention, strongly manifested when the ironic, realist, and grotesque-comic discourse of the narrative is interrupted by Aunt Bernie’s resurrection from the dead. The narrator states “At home the door’s wide open. Jade and Min are sitting staring at the rocking chair, and in the rocking chair is Bernie. Bernie’s body. Same glasses, same perm, same blue dress we buried her in. What’s it doing here?” (112). Then “she turns her head and looks at me and says, sit the fuck down” (112). Apparently she has come back from the dead.
In essence, the resurrection of Aunt Bernie actually constitutes a postmodernist intervention in the prevailing discourse of the narrative since it foregrounds important questions of ontology: could Aunt Bernie’s resurrection be real? Did she actually come back from the dead? What type of world can this really happen? George Saunders, in Sea Oak, shows that one way that can be used to represent the working class might entail performing the insufficiency of the usual or traditional representations. Saunders models the satire and reality conventions in order to rapture them via a postmodernist intervention which indicates that the most intense experiences of class have up till now stayed concealed.
The autobiographical fiction Christmas is essentially about the times that George Saunders as a young man spent living in the basement of his uncle and aunt and making a significantly small amount of money as a roofer who was highly incompetent: he says “I was twenty six, beyond broke living in my aunt’s basement (89).” Saunders describes compassionately and calmly the men that he was working with, John in particular, who had 14 kids and silently suffers cruelty as well as racial taunts from his employer. In the last scene, Saunders plus all the other men get together for a Christmas party, bringing out their Christmas bonuses and pay to gamble with. The foulest of these men is Rick who steadily wins all of John’s money from him: “soon, John was down to his last hundred, and then he broke it. John threw his sole remaining five at Rick’s chest. Rick caught it” (95). This therefore means that there are no presents for John’s wife or his 14 kids. George Saunders concludes that “I...was once a joke of a roofer, a joke of a roofer so beat down he stood by watching as a nice man got cheated out of his Christmas (99).” In the autobiographical fiction Christmas, Saunders employs stylistic qualities to convey messages regarding wrong things done to good persons, about failing to stand up for a person who is slandered or cheated, and thus wishing for retribution against the slanderers and cheaters as well as for merciful and compassionate redemption for the who have been wronged.
The purpose and message of Saunders’ fiction, which in the case of his Sea Oak story is the modern working-class life and in Christmas is about wrong things done to people who are good, could not be achieved in any other way. Saunders’ rhetorical choices is effective and fitting in that they represent working class through forms of postmodernism and realism that try to o...
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