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George Harrison and Indian Music

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Essay needs to be about George Harrison of the Beattles and his influence by Indian Music and the influence that Indian music had on his playing. Include also transcedental meditation and Ravi Shankar.
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George Harrison is also known as the quiet beetle. CITATION BBC01 \l 1033 (BBC News) Part of the world famous beetles group, he is also listed in the Rolling Stones magazine as the 11th best guitarist of all times. Although he kept to himself a lot of the times and was very reserved as compared to his gregarious band members, George became a popular musician in his own rights after the band broke up and George released the songs that he has worked on solo.
George Harrison: Chronology
George was born to a middle class family, in 1943, where during the Second World War; his father drove a bus to support his family. As a child, George was never very inclined towards his family`s religion which was Catholicism. He did not do well at school as he found it difficult to follow instructions. However by 14 years of age he had realized his life`s passion and purchased his first guitar. (Matovina)
He did not start any formal training, but instead focused on playing the guitar and practicing it regularly. George and his band member Paul McCartney used to go to school on the same bus, where Paul was a senior at George`s school. Paul was very impressed with George`s talent, which is why he asked him to audition for John Lennon`s band, of which Paul was already a member. The group was initially called Quarrymen, and then later changed some more names to finally become only - the Beatles. (Lavazzoli)
Harrison`s musical talent as a guitarist was buried under the other more powerful voices of the band, and his potential was never fully realized when he was a band member. He rose to fame for his talent only when the band broke up and he used his creative talents and his spiritual and Indian leanings to release masterpieces that were appreciated the world over.
Having c converted to Hinduism, being impressed greatly by its teachings more so than a passing fad, having taken lessons in Yoga, he realized that his heart grew more and more content. Soon he converted to Hinduism. Even when he died in 2001 of lung cancer, he was cremated in accordance with Hindu tradition.
George Harrison: The Person
As a person George was always very reserved and spiritual, and this led him to meditate and ponder over various philosophies, which is why he was nicknamed the quiet Beatle by the media. According to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum, George`s personality can be described as diffident, as a person who did not relish fame, and yet he did many great things that have left a mark on the history of music. (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum) His conversion to Hinduism therefore does not seem to be as surprising because Harrison was already inclined towards various philosophies of life and death.
This led him to converting to Hinduism, after which he is said to have been extremely happy in thinking that he knew the way towards contentment in life. Harrison was a low-key figure, and people who know him, such as Matovina Dan, who also wrote about him in his book, described him as humble and unassuming. (Matovina)
His work has led him to blaze a trail of successes, and according to the accolades bestowed on him in the Rock and Roll hall of Fame Museum (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum):
"In hindsight, Harrison`s albums lay bare his conflicted sensibilities: real-world engagement vs. spiritual retreat and popular artist vs. private recluse. He titled one of his best-selling albums ‘Living in the Material World`, and that summed up his quandary. Harrison forthrightly addressed weighty matters on record and made his ruminations appealing as popular music, too. Incorporating spirituality into popular music was not an easy thing to do, and it won him the respect of fans and colleagues. Derek Taylor, the Beatles` publicist and a longtime friend, called him "the boldest man I ever met." (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum)
Derek Taylor was correct when he called Harrison as the boldest man that he had ever met as George was the one who went on to learn about a culture that was diametrically opposed to Catholicism, and then adopted it as a way of life. He was the one who was confident enough in his abilities to be successful in his experimentation, and was one who was always focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel.
George`s second wife, Olivia Harrison, to whom he was married to for 23 years till his death describes going to India for filming George`s life documentary as coming full circle. For George, India`s progress was seen in the women wearing nylon saris and men wearing platform shoed signifying that India was also progressing. However, this saddened the guitarist, as progress would mean that India was deviating from its spiritual roots. (Bhushan)
Transcendental Meditation
Harrison learnt about transcendental meditation through his first wife, who had attended lectures and taken classes in meditation, while George was on tour. She was very pleased with the meditation form, and convinced the band members to attend a lecture with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. CITATION Kei11 \l 1033 (Deboer)
This meeting led to a lasting relationship of George with Transcendental meditation, and he found peace and tranquility which had eluded him in his pop star life, which he was never comfortable with. CITATION Mil07 \l 1033 (Miles) George was also a firm believer of the Ayurvedic medicine and health care system and was regular visitor at the Ayurveda health center that was formed by his teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. CITATION Sub12 \l 1033 (Das) It is said that his music was inspired by his bouts of meditation, and using this form of transcendental meditation he was able to come up with music that made history. In fact his experimentation with transcendental meditation and the contentment that he felt with meditation made him quit using LSD - a dangerous hallucinogenic drug that can cause major harm to the brain.
This was a step up in lifestyle for the rock star, which also influenced the rest of his band members. His was a life of a que...
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