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GAP Analysis My Reflection Through My Experiences In Life

Essay Instructions:

Using Part I’s analysis, pick ONE of the job descriptions that you are MOST interested in and write a reflection paper (1-2 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt font – must include your Banner ID on document) to disseminate your findings to the instructor. Note that you will also have to provide authorization to the Institutional Review Boards for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research (IRB), as these reflection papers will be used in University research. This consent form will be provided on Canvas, but you will be required to turn in a hard-copy at some point. Your paper will be graded on a very basic rubric, as the goal of the assignment is to provoke thought. Challenge yourself to evaluate your weaknesses and reflect on how you can make your qualifications even moreoutstanding! There is always room for improvement.Things to consider in your reflection:•What was it about the one job and employer you picked from your three that you identified in Part 1A that interested you the most?•Evaluate and elaborate on your skills/strengths from past experiences (academic and non-academic). How were these skills utilized in the past and how do they transfer to the qualifications desired for the job posting that you are most interested in?•Describe your weaknesses and formulate a plan to strengthen them.•Propose your unique value proposition based on your strengths and why you will be a highly desired graduate.•Who is someone (an individual or campus entity such as the OPCD) that can help you in your career planning and how will you leverage this/these resource(s)?•How will you apply this exercise to your future job search process or career/professional decisions?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My reflection
Through my experiences in life, I know that I am a hardworking and honest man, and that is what I want the world to see in me. I want to prove to my employers that my skill and my capacity can be a tool for financial products and services including life insurance, annuities and investment options in their company. I want them to know that I am capable of handling any challenge given to me. I am always eager to provide a solution whenever I encounter a problem. A skill that I want to hone is how to be able to relate with other people. As an American, I have stayed here less that I have stayed in China but I have been able to assimilate the Culture here. I think that it is my edge that I am able to experience two different cultures and speak two different language, but I know that I also have to practice both, which is a challenge for me right now.
I also want to learn how to write better in the English language, so that my employer c...
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