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4 pages/≈1100 words
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English (U.S.)
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Gains Made During Civil Rights Movements and Mass Incarceration of African Americans

Essay Instructions:

The Prompt
After reading the Introduction of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, you should be able to articulate the overarching claim—or thesis—that Michelle Alexander sets forth in her book. Using what you have learned about purpose, audience, persuasive appeals, and rhetorical strategies, write a rhetorical analysis of Alexander's argument. Your essay should address the following: 1) what does Alexander argue? 2) How does she make her point? and 3) Is her argument effective or not, and why?
Remember that in a rhetorical analysis, you are objectively analyzing the effectiveness of Alexander's argument. Whether you agree or disagree with her argument doesn't matter. A rhetorical analysis focuses less on what is argued and more on how and how well it is argued.
Your essay must be 800-1000 words (aim for 4 pages). It must be typed in MLA format: double-spaced with 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman font in size 12, and with a proper MLA heading and pagination. Your essay should also have a Works Cited page at the end, whichis not counted in the word requirement/page length.
Turning It In
You must submit your essay right here on Canvas. The assignment will be available for three days after the due date for late submissions. Per the syllabus, one letter grade will be deducted for each day your assignment is late. After three days, you will no longer be allowed to submit anything and will get a zero.
This essay is worth 10 points and will be graded based on the following:
Does the essay have a clear thesis that states your position and previews the structure of the essay? (1 pt)
Does the essay sufficiently and accurately summarize Alexander's argument? (2 pts)
Does the essay include sufficient and accurate textual evidence to illustrate how Alexander makes her argument? (2 pts)
Does the essay include detailed and critical analysis of all textual evidence? (2 pts)
Is the essay organized in a logical way with coherent paragraphs and topic sentences? (2 pts)
Is the essay in proper MLA format with correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics? (1 pt)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literature and Language:
Being rhetoric is the art of persuasion to get something done. It refers to how writers use words to convince the audience. This excerpt on rhetorical analysis gives details on Michelle Alexander’s claims on the law. She speaks more of the freedom of democracy, racism and how the law is ironically twisted to fit the needs of specific individuals. In her book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Michelle Alexander asserts that the great accomplishments and gains that were made during the days of the civil rights movements have sadly been watered down by the mass incarceration of African Americans under the pretext of war on drugs. This paper aims to delve deeper into this argument.
The central argument made by the author is that, while the previously oppressive Jim Crow laws are no longer in application, there is still a new form of oppression that affects the blacks. The criminal justice system, she argues, has been designed in such a way that backs who commit minor crimes face extremely punitive measures, which leave them hopeless and wit a feeling of marginalization (Alexander). The essence of analyzing a piece of literary work rhetorically is to establish the major points that stand out, and the subsequent impacts that these points have on the reader (University Writing Centre). Jarviors Cotton, a black American man was denied rights to vote since he was a felon at some point in his life. This has affected most of the members of his lineage due to the unfair law of the state. He says, “The more things change the more they remain the same”.
Many at times, the law is used in reverse depending on who it fits best. As Alexander states, people expect the pass law to shield them from harm yet the same law punishes them when they commit crime. The rights people fight for are rights to vote, employment, housing, educational opportunity, food stamps and other public benefits. However, once a black man is convicted of a felony, this law ceases to apply. They struggle to get back to the society after prison since all these laws stop them from getting any service.
The election of a black President in America was received with a lot of hope and expectation from the normal black man. It was believed that a lot would change for the better since he understood more about these people. Unfortunately the law is still manipulated. Racism has since not ceased in the country. Police brutality is on the rise. It is a more likely scene to find a black man being tortured on the street by the police without intervention from the public than a white man.
She further explains how racial stereotyping has extended even to institutions, both public and private. She argues giving an example of the Criminal Justice system. She says that in as much as two people (a black and a white man) are convicted ...
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