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Frankenstein Analysis of the Ability to Recognize the Humanity in the Creature

Essay Instructions:

Frankstein analysis

Theme: One of the novel’s tragedies is the inability of characters to recognize the humanity of the creature. What qualities make us human? Which of these qualities does the creature possess? What qualities does he not have?

IMPORTANT: 25%more citation, all citation should be from the Frankstein!!!!!

The essay should have a clear thesis and your support should be focused and coherent. Right now you have pieces of points and structural framework. We need paragraph and sentence structure to craft a coherent essay. It should be more your own critical and debatable analysis, and DO NOT DO RESEARCH FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.

For the paper project, you will extend one of the initial posts you wrote for the Discussion Board by supporting a debatable thesis statement with sufficient textual evidence. The final paper should be 1300-1500 words long (5-7 pages). Please provide a word count on the first page (do not estimate the word count). Deduct block quotes from the final word count. You do not need a title page; however, you do need a title. Please use Times New Roman font, and make sure that it is no larger than 12 points in size. Consult the MLA Purdue OWL site for MLA formatting requirements. Your paper needs a separate, complete, and correct works cited page (even though you are only using one source).

Please note that you are not merely tacking on a few paragraphs to your original post. Your thesis must make a debatable claim about the text you are working with that is supported with sufficient textual evidence and explication. The paper needs a clear method of organization with transitional words and phrases used throughout to provide a sense of cohesion. Please use quotes from the text to support your claims (aim for about 25% quoted material).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Word Count: 1477
Frankenstein Analysis of the Ability to Recognize the Humanity in the Creature
Victor Frankenstein developed a powerful interest throughout his studies in the creation of human being from lifeless objects. He delivered a very powerful statement illustrating how his journey toward the creation of human being began “I began the creation of human being”- Victor Frankenstein (Shelley, 54). In his effort to create a human being and insert life in that creature, Frankenstein managed to some humanity characteristic in that creature like learning how to speak. However, not all humanity characteristics he managed to develop within the creature that he considered to be a human being. Throughout this paper, the analysis focuses on addressing the qualities that make a human being, considering the characteristics that appeared and the missing features for humanity in the creature that was developed by Frankenstein.
Frankenstein was greatly interested in understanding the science of human anatomy and the knowledge behind the examination of how life begins and ends. “One of the phenomena which had peculiarly attracted my attention was the structure of the human frame, and indeed any animal endued with life” (P.50). Frankenstein, therefore, felt the need for creating the same structure with even higher intelligence capacities to prove that the philosophy of life can be modified. “I revolved these circumstances in my mind and determined thenceforth to apply myself more particularly to these branches of natural philosophy which relates to physiology” (P.51). Such desires and driving forces for achieving the knowledge of human creation led to the advancement of Frankenstein’s studying capacity to acquire enough knowledge required in the field.
According to the features and characteristics of the creature created, Frankenstein only managed to create a living being but not a human being. Among the major aspects of human being to consider while addressing the issue of humanity characteristics is the ability to interact with others. In this case, Frankenstein’s creature was secluded and excluded from society. This creature tries to humanize itself through learning of language knowledge such it can communicate with others. To be precise, the analysis of the aspects that makes human being were found to be absent on this creature.
The Attempts of the Frankenstein’s creature to join and be part of the community was faced with constant and violent rejection from the members of the community as they understood that it was not a human being but just a modified creature. “The different accident of life is not so changeable as the feeling of human nature” (P.59). This creature is made in a singular form, such that no other creature of such kind which takes the make of human being has ever been observed in the history of human existence. A human being is considered to have diversity in the way of thinking which enables him to easily relate things and reason out to come up with a reasonable solution. However, the singularity of Frankenstein’s creature could only enable it to operate on a single way of thinking with no capacity to internalize and relate ideas and therefore could not be accepted in the human race, “The miserable monster I had created” (P.59).
A human being has a life which gives him value. The society has respect for a human being and people respect life as a supernatural thing. However, the creature created by Frankenstein is said to be lifeless, indicating a lack of value. “It was on a dreary night of November, That held the accomplishment of my toils. With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me that I may infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet” (P.58). A ‘spark of being’ basically means a little life. The creature still remains lifeless and cannot be attributed to being a human being. Frankenstein specifies that the creature is something different from human being. It is a ‘lifeless thing’, something that is cold with no aspect of a human being except the morphological structure. A human being is always attractive and admirabl...
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