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Final Exam For Psychology

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Final Exam For Psychology
ⅠChoose the correct Single answer for the questions.
1 Which of the following is NOT one of the three main types of stressors?
a. Catastrophes
b. Significant life changes
c. Daily hassles
d. Threatening events that we hear about
1 Research has shown that people are at increased risk for can- cer a year or so after experiencing depression, helplessness, or bereavement. In describing this link, researchers are quick to point out that
* accumulated stress causes cancer.
* anger is the negative emotion most closely linked to cancer.
c. stress does not create cancer cells, but it weakens the body’s natural defenses against them.
d. feeling optimistic about chances of survival ensures that a cancer patient will get well.
2 Which of the following is NOT part of the contemporary view of the unconscious?
a. Repressed memories of anxiety-provoking events
b. Schemas that influence our perceptions and interpretations
c. Parallel processing that occurs without our conscious knowledge
d. Instantly activated emotions and implicit memories of learned skills
3 Our scores on personality tests best predict
a. our behavior on a specific occasion.
b. our average behavior across many situations.
c. behavior involving a single trait, such as conscientiousness.
d. behavior that depends on the situation or context.
4 The social-cognitive perspective proposes our personality is shaped by a process called reciprocal determinism, as personal factors, environmental factors, and behaviors interact. An example of an environmental factor is
a. the presence of books in a home.
b. a preference for outdoor play.
c. the ability to read at a fourth-grade level.
d. the fear of violent action on television.
5 If we encounter a person who appears to be high on drugs, and we make the fundamental attribution error, we will probably attribute the person’s behavior to
* moral weakness or an addictive personality.
* peer pressure.
* the easy availability of drugs on city streets.
d. society’s acceptance of drug use.
6 Studies show that parents of delinquent young people tend to use beatings to enforce discipline. This suggests that aggression can be
a. learned through direct rewards.
b. triggered by exposure to violent media.
c. learned through observation of aggressive models.
d. caused by hormone changes at puberty.
7 A personality disorder, such as antisocial personality, is char- acterized by
a. depression.
b. hallucinations.
c. enduring and inflexible behavior patterns that impair social functioning.
d. an elevated level of autonomic nervous system arousal.
8 A therapist who helps patients search for the unconscious roots of their problem an...
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