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Feminist Theory. Readings by Melissa Harris-Perry and Carolyn West

Essay Instructions:

Choose ONE of the following topics as the basis for a 5-7 page paper, due Monday, March 25 on canvas. Please upload your paper to the “assignment” link on our canvas page and if possible, please also bring hard copy to class on Friday that week.

Using the readings by Melissa Harris-Perry and Carolyn West (on canvas) and other sources of your choosing, discuss the historical origins and contemporary manifestations of one of the "myths" we discussed that are created by intersecting racial and gender-based oppression (for example, "Mammy" "Jezebel," "Sapphire," the "emasculated" Asian man, "Dragon Lady", "Lotus Blossom," the "Domestic Angel" or "Lady Bountiful," etc.) If you wish, choose a film that in your opinion plays upon one of these "myths." Does the film revive the myth or challenge it?

“Intersectionality” refers to the feminist argument that the various forms of privilege and oppression (race, class, gender, sexuality, nationality) are intersecting and mutually reinforcing. Intersectional feminism also assumes that the most effective forms of social protest, whether personal or organized, challenge multiple categories of oppression at once. Choose a film that, in your opinion, has an intersectional point-of-view. How do the categories of oppression intersect in the film? How do the intersecting categories affect the central characters in the film? Is there an intersectional form of protest or resistance? Does the film depict “divide-and-conquer” mechanisms that prevent solidarity between different oppressed groups and/or ways to overcome those divide-and-conquer mechanisms? You are encouraged to choose any film of interest to you, but some possibilities for this assignment might include: “Salt of the Earth” (1954 film about gender roles during a Mexican-American miners strike, filmed by a blacklisted communist director, using a mixture of professional and non-professional actors); “Fast Food Nation” (race, class, gender and agribusiness); “A Raisin in the Sun” (gender, race and economic issues in a 1950s African- American family); “Jungle Fever” (Spike Lee film about an extramarital relationship between a black male architect and an Italian-American secretary in his office).

Choose a film (or documentary) that deals with some form of oppression but does not take an intersectional approach. How does that affect the overall message of the film? Does the film have noticeable blind spots? How would the plot, characters, overall perspective and style of the film change if it adopted an intersectional approach?

For students interested in writing a more personal essay:

Feminist debates about gender roles and women’s subordination are often a spoken or unspoken aspect of the mother-daughter relationship. The anthology, Listen Up, includes a number of autobiographical accounts by young women who learned about the nature of feminist solidarity and how to achieve it through their evolving relationships with their mothers. Re-read one or two of these essays (listed below). Comment on what the essay(s) reveal about mother-daughter relationships in relation to feminism. If you wish, include a discussion of your relationship with your mother.

Essays in Listen Up about the mother-daughter relationship: “Bringing Feminism a la Casa” “Ghosts and Goddesses” “What is Mine”
“Better in the Bahamas” “Immaculate Conception”

Many commentators identify misogyny as a "gateway drug" to extremist hate groups in the US and elsewhere. According to Michael Kimmel, one reason for the rise of such hate groups in the US is that globalization and inequality are creating a volatile anger and sense of "thwarted privilege" in young white men who are not receiving the privileges of status and security to which they have been taught to feel entitled by virtue of their gender as well as their race. Research the role of sexism and misogyny in the ideology of US white supremacist hate groups. To what extent do these groups use a promise of masculine validation--and a return to "traditional" patriarchal norms--as a recruitment tool?

For students interested in global economics; research the impact of globalization on a particular country (for example, Haiti or Jamaica), particularly the gendered effects (effects on such things as gender equality/inequality, gender-based violence, gender-based access to resources and rights, etc.). You are welcome to borrow my copy of “Poto Mitan” (documentary about Haiti) or “Life and Debt” (documentary about Jamaica).

For students interested in the politics of western medicine, write a research paper about the history of “medicalized birth” (hospital birthing practices) in the United States. What beliefs about gender and sexuality are reflected in these birthing practices?

For students interested in culture studies analysis:

Discuss gender role socialization and enforcement in two or more of the following popular culture arenas: clothing, popular music, children’s toys, and video games. How do each of these media contribute to the social construction of “girl/woman” and “boy/man? Here are some suggestions to help you with this assignment:

(a) Clothing analysis: Visit some popular clothing stores for children/teenagers (tell me which ones you visited) and see what is being marketed towards boys and girls. Describe what you found (types of clothing, logos/images, sayings on them, styles, how they promote/restrict activity, colors, price, etc.) and analyze the meaning behind your observations. Discuss what messages are being conveyed about what is important (both by what is present and what is missing) and how these clothing choices influence the construction of “girl” and “boy”.

(b) Audio media: Print the lyrics to a) a popular song that is negative about women and b) a popular song that is positive about women, and tell why you think they fit these categories. Analyze what messages are being sent and the potential meaning /impact of such messages on identity construction (e.g., what are they saying men/women are interested in/ valued for, messages about sexuality, beauty, manliness etc).

c) Video/computers games: how are gender roles constructed in specific games? To what extent are players free to experience a range of gender identities?

(d) Toy Store analysis: Visit a local toy store and describe what you see, e.g., what types of toys, how displayed, how gendered, etc. Discuss how the toys reflect social norms and meanings regarding gender, including aspects such as skills developed, skills avoided, what boys/girls should be interested in, etc.

If there is another relevant issue addressed in readings or class discussions that you would like to write about, that is a possibility, but please discuss it with me in person or by email.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Feminist Theory
Many people around the globe believe that feminist theories talk exclusively about women and the theories aim to promote women’s superiority over men. This, however, is not true. Feminist theories talk about seeing the world in a different way that will help fight the forces that promote injustice, inequality and oppression. In doing so, there will be a promotion of justice and equality. The experiences and viewpoints of the female race have not been included in the social theory. That is why feminist theories mostly focus on how women interact in society to make sure that they are not left out in any way. Although most feminist theories involve women, people of all genders have specialized in the discipline. The essay discusses four videos that talk about women discrimination, myths and their gender roles in the society.
Feminist theories have led to the creation of more detailed social theories. These theories have replaced the original ones who assume that man always has to be the social factor. Feminist theories are regarded to be creative because they mostly deal with the interaction of systems and power. This shows that the theories do not primarily focus on the power based on gender, but how to intersect with the biases in the system that is based on gender, sexuality and social classes among other things.Two major waves caused feminism. The first wave was about the women’s right to vote. The other wave was during the Civil Rights Movement, which aimed at liberating women.
The feminist theories have given women an opportunity to stand and fight for their rights. This has led to a reduction in stereotyping and the myths about women have been challenged. Most men think of women as sexual products. This issue has caused turmoil in the entertainment industry. However, women are somehow responsible for how they are perceived nowadays. For example, most advertisements use women to sell their products. In most cases, they are either half naked or completely nude.
An example is the Coach perfume. The commercial was a picture of a woman holding the bottle of the perfume across her nude chest while smiling. This ad uses the mythical belief of a woman as a sexual object to promote their product while in a real sense, being naked has no relation to a perfume. The fact that the media is advertising it makes women feel they need to be like the woman in the ad to fit in the culture.
Men were always prioritized years before the gender balance became a problem. When it came to electing people to high positions, men were given a chance. Gender imbalance is also evident in church settings. For example, in the Catholic Church, women are not allowed to be members of the clergy. All the priests, bishops and popes are men. The Islamic community also shows discrimination of women. An example is that women who practice the Islamic faith cannot be allowed into Mecca. They are supposed to be accompanied by a man. Moving on to the business world, many companies have a lot of male employees as compared to females. This shows that there is a gender imbalance.
The feminist theories strive to close the gap in the working industries between men and women, especially in wages. The gender wage gap can cause several problems. For one, there is a reduction in economic output. This means that women will be highly dependent on welfare payments unlike men (Chadis 1100). An example is a man and a woman who are teachers. You will find out that the man earns more money than the woman in most cases. This will lead to poverty among the women in the old age as would not be the case when it comes to men.
Stereotyping, myths and gender roles as expressed in the four videos
The first video analyzed is on Miss Representation. From the themes experienced in Miss Representation include the aspects of stereotyping, gender roles and mythical beliefs about women in different societies. The media sells the young people the notion women and girls, especially at young age value lies and deception in their youth lives. Other issues that the film portrays include the aspect of women focusing on their beauty and sexuality matters (Miss Representation 1). This portrays women as quite unfit in leadership positions. The film shows that women lack the capacity lead and leadership is a role left to men. However, this mythical belief has lied as women can lead based on their intrinsic character and not related to gender sexuality. The video further portrays boys and young men as individuals who can learn that they have success tied to them as they can dominate and cease power, leaders...
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