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Types of Federalism and Division of Powers Between the National Government and the State Government

Essay Instructions:

You need to make sure you answer the essay questions as thoroughly as possible. The answer must be in sentence and paragraph format, no outlines. You need full sentences and college level writing (few, if any, writing errors). You will probably find the essay at least 1 1/2 pages. No plagiarism accepted. No cited page is necessary.

Answer the following questions:

Define Federalism. Discuss in detail the three different types of federalism discussed in class. ( Dual Federalism, Cooperative Federalism, and Picket Fence Federalism) Which do you feel is most applicable in today’s government? Which would you like to see being implemented and why? It is said, “Money is the mother’s milk of politics”. Define grant in aid. Discuss the three types of grant in aid( Categorical Grants: project and formula, Block Grants, and Revenue Sharing Grants) used by the federal government. If you were a state governor which type of grant in aid would you prefer and why?

thats the insruction

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Government
Federalism is a system of governance that allows for the division of power between the national government and the state governments. Federalism was introduced by the founding fathers of the United States (U.S.) to satisfy the principle of limited government. The founding fathers envisioned a republic in which power was not concentrated in the center but dispersed and shared. Although federalism was a bold step in the eighteenth century, today, it is the envy of many countries across the world.
There are three types of federalism. The first is dual federalism. Dual federalism is a government system in which power is divided between the federal government and the state governments. In dual federalism, state governments are free to exercise their powers without fear of interference from the federal government. The second type of federalism is cooperative federalism. Cooperative federalism is a system of government in which both the federal and state governments work together. In this system, the federal and state governments approach issues collectively and seek to solve them. The third type is picket fence federalism. In this system, the federal government is involved in various cooperative and regulatory programs such as releasing funds to state governments.
I think that dual federalism is most applicable in today’s government. Dual federalism was the system of government envisioned by the founding fathers. It eliminated the concentration of power within the national government through the creation of state governments. Through dual federalism, both the...
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