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The Fall of the House of Usher Research Assignment

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The Fall of the House of Usher
There could be a number of reasons for Poe choosing to characterize Madeline and Roderick as twins. There is a widespread belief that twins share a special bond. Therefore, characterizing Madeline and Roderick as twins was necessary to bring out the supernatural connection between the two. Characterizing them as twins was essential for rationalizing the connection between the them. A major part of the story involves Madeline coming back from the “dead.” In the story, Roderick is able to hear the noises made by Madeline many days before the narrator heard them. The extrasensory connection between the twins was part of the story. By characterizing them as twins, it was possible to explain the supernatural connection between them.
Characterizing them as twins was done in order to make the story more terrifying. It was essential for creating a sense of fear and terror within the narrator and the reader. The bond between them was intense, and it was essential for making the story more horrific. One can easily make out from the story that none of the twins could survive without the other. Such intense connection could only make sense if the characters are twins. Roderick connects with Madeline on deeper levels and in one way he is her. He knows her very well. Everything that is happening to her is also happening to some part of him. As shown in the story, this scares him. It was ne...
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