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Ezra Pound: In A Station Of The Metro, Modernistic Elements

Essay Instructions:

Please look at at least one poem by each poet and think about their themes and style, their modernistic elements, and anything "new" you see in these poems that we have not discussed with the other modernists that we have looked at. Consider how the poems help us see everyday life in a new way. Pick one of these topics for each poem in your response.
Ezra Pound's “In a Station of the Metro”
William Carlos Williams' "The Red Wheelbarrow," "This Is Just to Say"
Robert Frost's "Design," "Out, Out--" "Home Burial"
Edna St. Vincent Millay's "I Think I Should Have Loved You Presently," "[I, being born a woman]," "Apostrophe to Man"

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ezra Pound in “In a Station of the Metro” likens human faces to petals, as he focused on people in an underground Metro. “Petals on a wet, black bough” (line 2). The poet is like the only one alive in the world he inhabits. Even though, the poem is two lines long, he uses imagism to relate his observations about people’s faces and nature. Since Pound wrote a fourteen word poem he minimized what he wanted to say, and this is a modernist approach that contained only few descriptive words. The images point to a melancholy atmosphere where the apparition (ghost like figure) disappears from view. The idea that links the poems is that people ought to appreciate what they have regardless of where they live and be free to express their thoughts.
In William Carlos Williams' "The Red Wheelbarrow," he uses few words that are simple. Lines one, three, five to seven only contain three words while lines 2, 4, 6 and 8 contain one word. Williams introduced the image of the wheelbarrow in lines 3 and 4 “red wheel, barrow.” the poet focuses on actual objects like the wheel barrow and white chickens. He breaks the words wheel/barrow, rain/water and white/chickens and this modernist style focuses on the objects. The idea behind the poem is that people should appreciate everyday things as they are important.
In Robert Frost's "Design” he highlights both positive and negative moods. “Assorted characters of death and blight” (line 4). This emphasizes death and more darkness, while the main theme is nature as he mentions spiders and flowers. The poem is a sonnet style and he used imagery to question how nature influenced destiny. Frost believed that science and literature would move closer from the twentieth century onwards (Murphy, 311). The modernist poems are open to various interpretations and the last line of the poem is the last line is vague “If design govern in a thing so small. While Frost was a modernist pet he marinated aspects of traditional poems like thee rhymes, blight/right, broth/froth, height/night
"I Think I Should Have Loved You Presently” by Edna St. Vincent Millay is a fourteen line sonnet style poem. Edna regretted having failed to show her emotions to her love interest and she confessed that wished she would have taken the relationship ...
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