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Extended Definition of the Word Family

Essay Instructions:

Use extended definition to redefine or more narrowly define one of the following terms: education, family, middle age, neighbour. Use your extended definition to say something fresh and relevant about this abstract and commonly used term. We all think we know what we mean by these terms, but you should use your extended definition to comment on or add to social perceptions. For example, you might say that education is commonly perceived as something formal that happens in an institution, but that there are other forms of education.

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Extended Definition of the Word Family
For most people when the word is mentioned, what comes to mind is the fact that, it refers to the different people that are related by blood and law, or a group of children and their parents (Oxford Dictionaries). However, the word family has several meaning all of which depend on where it has been used. It is a word that is widely used on a daily basis and refers to different aspects in varying contexts. From the basic understanding of the word family as a unit of persons that are related in one way or the other, there are variations as well. Most cultures refer to the various units of the family in relation to the size and structure. It is common to find that majority of the cultures refer to units that have one parent and the children as a single parent families, while the basic unit composed of a father, mother and the children as a nuclear family. Where the relation extends to the other related units, this is referred to as the extended family.
In the entertain industry most of the producers use the word family to mean that their programs or content can be viewed by the general audience without creating any form of uneasiness. As such, it is common to find that most of the programs on the television will be called family programs. The same case applies to the print media, whereby, most of the editors will use the word family magazine/newspaper to mean that the content is children friendly. This is used ...
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