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2 pages/≈550 words
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Explain how a specific event, circumstance, or situation has helped shape some aspect of your personality or interests. /Discuss how the neighbourhood or community in which you grew up or live now has affected some aspect of your life or the lives of its residents in general.

Essay Instructions:
Topic : Explain how a specific event, circumstance, or situation has helped shape some aspect of your personality or interests. or Discuss how the neighbourhood or community in which you grew up or live now has affected some aspect of your life or the lives of its residents in general. ------------------------------------------ i hope you write based on my attached file. -based on my attached file, i hope that you make clear thesis. ------------------------------------------ clear thesis, main points that support the thesis, good use of detail to explain and illustrate your main points, smooth transitions between paragraphs, coherent, unified, and well-developed paragraphs, introduction and conclusion that signal the beginning and ending of the essay both in content and tone, grammatically correct sentences, accurate word choices, standard spelling and punctuation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: MY LIFE OVERSEAS I am a twenty one year old born in Korea. Since mybirth, many activities have happened around my life and the lives of those around me. The events have contributed to the kind of life I live and where I live today.I have moved from one country to another in search of quality education and satisfaction in life. From Korea, I moved to India, thenSingapore and later to Canada Vancouver, where I am residing currently. Different issues occurred to me in different places. For example, in Korea the education system and my performance led me to India and while in India difficulties such as custom, food, and language barrier. Therefore, this paper outlines the events that havetaken place in my life, the challenges and the achievements. These events take place in different countries. When I was at age fifteen, I joined international school in India Bangalore. I studied from here for two months. Though the course was supposed to have taken one year, the hardships I encountered from here made me quit. In India, the biggest challenge was the language barrier. It was so difficult to communicate with the Indians since they did not understand English. The other challenge was the school’s customs. The customs of the international school in India made my study there impossible. They made me all homesick. I missed everyone back in Korea and all I wanted was to go back home. After I gave up my studies in India, I went to Singapore in pursuit of further studies. In Singapore, I chose to study English at an English school. The students in Singapore were so friendly. ...
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