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Exhibition Report Assignment: 2017 Detours, Yifan Bai

Essay Instructions:

Choose one artist to write a two page, double spaced essay critiquing their work. Let me know what works, what doesn't, what you noticed first, if it works well where it is placed within the gallery..etc. Please also take photos of all of their work that was exhibited and put those photos into your document.
Here is the link about the exhibit:

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Exhibition Report
In 2017 Detours, Yifan Bai focuses on skyscrapers and the sky where the photograph is taken from the ground level and highlights the top buildings where it is dark and light is visible on the small patch of the sky that is visible. The artist’s work “Unreachable Sky” focuses on New York City’s buildings that dominate the environment, with these buildings on all four sides and suggests that Bai explored claustrophobia (School of Visual Arts -SVA, 2017). The artists who exhibited the works explored different subjects, and were successful in placing works that were related to the artist, and subject explored.
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School of Visual Arts - 2017:< HYPERLINK "/events/events-exhibitions/detours-2017" /events/events-exhibitions/detours-2017>
The photograph works by focusing on the building as this draws attention to the lack of human life and connection with nature. This is a city as shown by the tall buildings, and urban landscapes have to maximize space, but in doing so they create concrete jungles that are ‘soulless’. In the exhibit, the three photographs focus on the same subject, but the skyscrapers are different as judged from the top sections. It is noteworthy that he selected residential skyscrapers and given how tightly packed they are, they highlight the reality of residents in cities who live further way from nature.
 INCLUDEPICTURE "/uploads/assets/headerslideitem/735x410/fe0e6bbe0b2e6e29102a8e899ec71290ca6d267e.jpeg" \* MERGEFORMATINET 
 HYPERLINK "/events/events-exhibitions/detours-...
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