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Example Essay On What Is The Value Of Foreign Travel

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Foreign Travels
From a very tender age, people are always inculcated with the imaginations about foreign travels and visits. It was always a confine of fantasy and bliss to think about some imaginary land far away or some beautiful country in a faraway place. Foreign travels, therefore have been subject of most people's dreams for quite a long time. There are various reasons as to go abroad, such as exploration, leisure, learning and comparison.
Foreign travels help one to learn new cultures and meet new people. It is usually like living a lie, when one just stays within his locality, neighborhood and culture. It makes one develop unfair stereotypes, as a result of ethnocentrism and outright ignorance. In this age of globalization, the world is continuously becoming a global village; smaller and smaller. Foreign travels help one to learn and appreciate new cultures and people (Phang, 2013). It enables people to be more welcoming of changes and new ideas. As the most important point, however, appreciation of cultural diversity through foreign travels, helps one to be culturally tolerant.
International travels help expand one's realm of imagination. As initially mentioned, growing up within a single locality in most cases tends to make someone have a limited imagination, since he or she will believe that only their surrounding is the best. However, through foreign travels, one can learn more ideas and realize that there are even greater things out there that can be learned. This expands one's imagination and enables people to appreciate the limitless extent of their thoughts (Phang, 2013)....
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