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Everything, Everything and the Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) Disease

Essay Instructions:

My Final Paper is about the Story Everything, Everything. The Class is about Medicine and Literature so I have to find something related to Medicine. I chose this novel because it shows that Madeline has an illness that is the reason she can't go outside.

Down below are the professors instructions on writing a proposal.

a. Proposal 10%: due end of week 11, 1 Dec: student prepares a proposal with working thesis and 3-5 ideas they wish to develop around this thesis. The ideas need to be elaborate rather than simply terms and words. The proposal is shared with instructor over a one-on-one meeting by end of Week 12, 8 Dec, aimed at guiding student in the right direction. Proposal is graded for the following components, with 10% for

each:i. Literature: proposal includes primary work (literature, art, culture)

ii. Thesis: Thesis is stated clearly in 1 sentence

iii. Method: Method/steps/supporting arguments are indicated in thesis

iv. Relevance: Thesis is relevant to classv. Strength: Thesis makes strong argument

vi. Arguments: 2-5 supporting Arguments listed and explained

vii. Clarity/Ideas: Supporting arguments contain clear and well-explained ideas

viii. Connected: Supporting arguments are directly related to and indicated in thesis

ix. Language: Language is clear, academic, well-structured

x. Format: Paper is well-organized

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Everything, Everything
Thesis: Although everyone gets sick at some point in life, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) limits an individual’s interactions with others and the world since one becomes allergic to everything, making the person vulnerable to numerous unknown triggers as witnessed in Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon.
* Madeline Whittier has SCID, and she is allergic to everything.
* SCID is triggered by numerous things, such as chemicals in the cleaning detergents, food, drinks, perfumes, and other things that people come across in their lives (Yoon 15).
* Since an individual might not know what can trigger SCID, the disease has severe consequences, which is why people with this illness are confined in their houses like Whittier.
* SCID is a life-threatening disease.
* SCID is a rare, deadly disease caused by a defect in the development and function of the T cell (Kumrah et al. 52).
* The clinical manifestations of this illness are characterized by severe and recurrent viral, fungal, and bacterial opportunist...
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