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An Evaluation of the Chili Peppers Speech

Essay Instructions:

This week, you will evaluate the Chili Peppers Speech which is posted to the link below. Please use the attached document as a guideline to evaluate the speech and use the following directions to construct your writing. Your response should be in the form of an essay. You should then write a 1-2 page double-spaced essay (no less than 300 words) evaluating the structure and delivery of the speech. Your essay should include (a) an introductory paragraph; (b) comments on the organization and delivery of the speech and (c) a concluding paragraph. I will be evaluating your assignment in terms of content, completeness, insightful observations, grammar, and format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: An Evaluation of the Chili Peppers Speech Introduction Speech is an essential aspect of communication, where people delivering speech need to make some considerations to ensure that the speech given is excellent and effective to the listeners. The essay evaluates the Chili Peppers Speech. The speech begins by the title, the Hidden World of Chili Peppers. The narrator starts the speech in a catchy as he tunes the minds of the audience to an imaginative world where they were to imagine human conditions that are relative to the use of chili peppers. The entire speech was delivered well based on aspects that the essay aims at covering such as engaging with the audience and also rasping the attention of the audience. Comments/ Observations The speech caught the attention of the audience through the words in the two lines of the speech. The speech begins with the words “imagine your mouth burning like wildfire, your eyes having uncontrolled tears and your face red and sweating profusely. Are you sick? No, you just took a bite of chili pepper.” The lines have evoked human imaginations that one can relate to taking a bite of a chili pepper including the use of rhetorical questions. The approach that the narrator used grasped the attention of the audience as people often wanted to hear and relate what the narrator was trying to say. I found the introduction to be useful in introducing listeners to a speech, grasping their attention and setting a good mood to deliver the speech. The next part of the speech takes the listeners to backg...
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