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Essay: Writer's Studio Sample

Essay Instructions:

a. Paragraph one—you will provide a brief overview of the event. Please include the day/date of the event, the location, the approximate audience size (if any), the name of the speaker, and the way in which you saw the event (live, live virtual, recorded)

b. Paragraphs two and three—you will address any two of the following issues in your discussion. Your comments and observations should be specific and detailed.

(1) the speaker’s organization

(2) the speaker’s verbal delivery

(3) the speaker’s use of presentation aids

(4) the speaker’s credibility

Please make sure you identify the issue you will be discussing at the beginning of each of these two paragraphs. Please include specific examples from the presentation to support your observations.

c. Paragraph four—make any overall assessments, observations, and/or conclusions about this event and about this speaker. What did you learn from this event? Was it worth your time to attend?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Essay: Writers’ Studio
This event comprises two sections which are separate topics that involve writing formats for academic work. The two sections are ‘MLA Style’ and ‘Citing Images’. The first section talks about the MLA formatting style, including details and examples about the general format, in-text citations, block quotes, works cited and figures. The other section includes details about how images are cited in a text, including in-text citations, image placement and image captions. The speaker’s name is Jennifer Johnson. The event was in the form of a recorded video containing slides brought to us by The Writers’ Studio located at Jen Library, room 220. Discussed below are issues that I took note of throughout the event and their specific details.
One issue I observed concerns the speaker’s organization. The speaker exhibits excellent organizational skills in her presentation by giving it a topical arrangement where the topics follow each other according to their relevance and the specific order in which they occur in an actual text. For example MLA Style, the speaker presents the topics in the order in which they appear when writing actual text, where she started by giving the general format details of this style like the spacing, font and font size, details to be included, alignment and page numbering. She proceeds to describe how in-text citations are propagated like the author-page format used in parenthesis and how to incorporate quotes and various exceptions. The speaker then gives further details of incorporating quotes in the text and finalizes with the works cited section that occurs at the end of a text. This indicates that the speaker knows how to apply organizational skills.
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