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Essay on Radiance of Tomorrow

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This is a essay on a book called Radiance of Tomorrow, please do not cite anything online and just read the book and use many quotes. Answer either of the prompt in the doc I post and be clear which one you wrote.

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January 14, 2019
Radiance of Tomorrow
The Radiance of Tomorrow is perhaps one of the most interesting novels that I have read before. It recounts that civil war that has transpired in Sierra Leone and depicts it in a vivid way that is memorable to its readers. Nonetheless, one of the most intriguing features of the novel is its ending. Despite the seemingly light and optimistic title and design of the book, the story itself poses some imageries and depictions that are hard to digest. Beah himself has said that he does not like happy endings that are too perfect. A statement that reflects that the overall theme of the story. In line with this, this article would try to understand how this belief of his is reflected within the novel. All in all, I would try to look at the tone and the message of its endings, which I believe would provide a better understanding of the message of the novel.
An Optimistic Note
People have always been enthusiastic about reading novels that ends with a happy ever after. This kind of story, where the protagonist(s) have gone through many hardships only to find himself successful as the story comes to an end, is what most people expect. However, in the novel Radiance of Tomorrow, Beah has decided to end his novel with a rather torn ending. On the one hand, it showed the distraught and conflict brought about by war. Images of death, amputations, torture, and even rape has been depicted in the story, which was a scene that incites sadness and anger while making its readers imagine the pain and suffering that others have felt.
On the other hand, however, Beah has also ended it with a somewhat hopeful appeal. Beah has emphasized that essence of living and continuing to hope for a brighter future. Ideas such as rebuilding the community and learning from experienced, have been repeatedly emphasized by the end of the story. In one passage on the novel, he said that “I learned that you are not free until you stop others from making you feel worthless. Because if you do not,...
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