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Essay on Fences and a Raisin in the Sun

Essay Instructions:

Five paragraphs, one introduction, three body paragraphs, one conclusion. Every body paragraph should compare between both plays, and use 2 quotes each paragraphs from both books. Central topic-compare the central conflict between siblings in two plays, siblings in a raisin in the sun: Walter and Beneatha, siblings in Fences: Troy and Gabriel. Explore the similarities and differences, and connections between these two relationships. Find the significance of these conflicts.

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Name Instructor Course Date Essay on Fences and a Raisin in the Sun Troy Maxson a garbage/sanitation worker is the central figure in August Wilson’s play, Fences and his brother Troy is a mentally disabled WWII veteran who had a metal plate in his head. Troy cheated on his wife Rose and bore a child out of wedlock, and he took Gabriel’s (Gabe) veteran benefits for his own benefit. Troy also prevented his son Cory from getting university athletic sponsorship based on his experience and failure to be a baseball player. The play is set in Pittsburgh, PA and reflects black realities and issues affecting them. In A Raisin in the Sun, Walter is a chauffeur who hates his job and drinks a lot is in conflict with his sister Beneatha, who is a rebel and party girl trying to impress her Nigerian ex boyfriend. Ruth, who is Walter’s wife has a child named Travis child and they all live together. When the mother wins compensation after the death of their father, the children, grandson and matriarch (mama) go to live in a white neighborhood after purchasing a house there, but they encounter numerous problems there. There are family conflicts based on perceptions abut the place and role of the family members. The best way to ensure there is self-sufficiency and being independent is an issue of contention in both and there are disagreements o each character’s roles. Gabriel wanted to be self-sufficient and live on his own despite being disabled and sought to move out of his brother’s home. Troy built fences to show dedication to his family and the loved ones, but he takes advantage of Gabriel and does not protect him despite being his older brother. This is further complicated by Troy’s action to use his brother’s disability checks without benefitting Gabriel. At the same time, Gabriel’s full functioning initially depends on Try’s actions and decisions, but they disagree on how Troy is to live more independently and be more responsible. Similarly, Walter and Beneatha disagree on the issue of independence and submission in their home as Beneatha, mocked her older brother for living with their mother. On the other hand, Wilson believed that Beneatha, disrespected him and the sibling rivalry is partly because of disagreements on the role of each person in the family. The issue of submission increases tension and Wilson wanted Beneatha to listen to him, despite him being a dreamer who invested Beneatha’s money meant for schooling and focuses on owning a liquor store. However, both Wilson and Beneatha are strong personalities and do not agree on what responsibilities each should have. Walre tells his sister, “ You such a nice girl but if Mama got that money she can always take a few thousand and help you through school too can't she? (Hansberry Act one scene one). This was an attempt to change her mind so that the les insurance money would be used for education. In both plays the issue of seniority meant that the older siblings made decisions that affected their siblings and believed that they could not be questioned, but Troy and Gabriel do not get into direct confrontation and mocking each other like Walter and Beneatha. Both families in the two plays are urban, black and poor, and family disagreements and conflicts over money are co...
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