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Essay on Fake News

Essay Instructions:

Fake news is nothing new. However, recently, especially with the 2016 presidential election, the terms “fake news” and “news” has changed. Fake news is news that is not true in whole or part. It is not always easy to determine what is fake or real. However, most, if not all people, have spread fake news at least time in the past. The way people receive, perceive, and read news has also changed, as social media has taken over people's lives. Many people get their news from social media (Kalyanam, Quezada, Poblete, & Lanckriet, 2016). With the Russian interference with the 2016 U.S. election, fake news has come to the forefront of news' credible due to social media sites. With Write an essay of at least three pages, in which you argue what is fake news or how news has changed. In the essay, you must define your definition of “news" and “fake news.” You may take this essay in any direction on any aspect relating to fake news. This essay needs to be in MLA or APA format with the font type Times New Roman and font size 12. Possible topics may focus on the following below, but they are not limited to: (1) Think of the seven techniques of propaganda (bandwagon, name calling, glittering generalities, transfer, testimonial, plain folks, and card stacking). Then, choose a news story from the front page of major newspaper (e.g., The New York Times) to construct the essay around it. (2) Discuss how social media (e.g., Facebook) has changed the way people get news and perceive what news is. (3) Does the press still have freedom of speech? (4) How has the #metoo movement affected how society looks at news? Think about how the #metoo movement has affected Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Brett Kavanaugh, and other high executives, who have been accused of sex-related crimes. (5) How has the White House Correspondent’s Dinner changed during the Trump presidency? (6) If President Trump tweets, is that news? Why or why not? https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/29/business/media/if-trump-tweets-it-is-it-news-aquandary-for-the-news-media.html (7) How has the profession of journalism changed in the Trump presidency? (8) Discuss how words have real-life consequences. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/24/media/trump-media-attacks-have-consequences/ index.html (9) Is Fox News Journalism? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/16/opinion/sunday/fox-news-donald-trump.html? te=1&nl=nicholas-kristof&emc=edit_nk_20191116? campaign_id=45&instance_id=13912&segment_id=18862&user_id=a74a6ba136928b61 daadf6f5887099ec®i_id=6922718820191116 (10) How does a misrepresentation of news (e.g., Boston Marathon bomber [2013; see links below] and Navy Yard shooter [2013; see links below]) by a journalist affect how news is viewed by society? http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/columnist/rieder/2013/04/18/media-bostonfiasco/2093493/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2013/09/16/networks-retract-id-of-dc-navy-yardshooter/2821329/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/columnist/rieder/2013/09/16/media-mistakes-incoverage-of-dc-navy-yard-shooting/2822551/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2013/09/16/washingtons-foxstation-tweets-navy-yard-events-from-police-scanner/ In http://chronicle.com/blogs/percolator/major-fraud-plea-has-university-scientistsregretting-journal-article/33713?cid=wb&utm_source=wb&utm_medium=en https://www.ted.com/talks/stephanie_busari_how_fake_news_does_real_harm? utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content =button__2017-04-24 https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/24/technology/london-terror-attack-suspect-socialmedia.html This essay can be combined with the Final Paper. If it is combined with the Final Paper, the page requirements for both assignments must meet the combined total of the minimum pages for both. This means that the 3 pages for the Fake News essay and the 5 pages for the Final Paper need to equal a minimum of 8 pages. References Kalyanam, J., Quezada, M., Poblete, B., & Lanckriet, G. (2016). Prediction and characterization of high-activity events in social media triggered by real-world news. PLoS One, 11(12), DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0166694

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Fake News Essay
Fake news refers to misleading or false information that is presented as news. ‘Fake news’ tends to have a goal of damaging a person’s reputation or generating income out of it through advertising revenue. In such light of understanding, falsehood tends to diffuse faster and more broadly than the truth. According to information technology experts (IT), the spread of false news is significantly incorrect information spread around social media such as Twitter, whereby people retweet inaccurate information. However, fake news has changed over time. Most significantly, people have changed how they perceive and read the news since social media tends to dominate people's lives. For instance, in 2016, Information technology experts noted the Russian interference in the United States election. Therefore, false news tends to be at the front position of news’ credibility largely because of social media. This paper's primary connotation is to explore 'fake news' and write three pages about ‘what is fake news' by following the instructions.
Propaganda refers to the strategy of influencing people’s action by the manipulation of representations. Therefore, it comprises several techniques to be complete such as written, musical form or pictorial. Significantly, manipulation might be arranged or unarranged, political or social motivated.
Name-calling propaganda
The above refers to the strategy and a cognitive bias to promote propaganda. Therefore, the propagandists tend to implement this strategy to raise fear in those exposed to the propaganda, leading to an opposing idea regarding an individual, beliefs, tenets, or group. New York Times provides an example of propaganda about Russia spreading propaganda over the indictment. The propaganda presented on social media platforms diffuses faster and deeper as compared to the truth. New York Times provides a title; “Trump evolution from relief to fury over the Russia indictment” the newspaper shows how propaganda is damaging and spreads faster. For instance, Trump’s mood was affected when he discovered that some commentators depicted the indictment as nothing for him to celebrate, conforming to three individuals with the knowledge of his reaction. The three commentators suggested that he had not won the election fairly, specifically irritating, if not wholly accurate. Therefore, they were concerned about Mr. Trump’s legitimacy. Concisely, name-calling tends to be one of the most harmful forms of bullying. It has long-lasting forms of mental misappropriation. Besides, it takes time to fade away. For instance, after the spread of propaganda, a two-day Twitter tirade was defiant and unusually angry by Mr. Trump's standards. Therefore, he tweeted to shift blame to Democrats for Russia's interfering, suggesting that President Obama had not implemented measures that prevented the Russian Meddling.
Contemporary society considers social media as the ‘age of fake news’ such that most people tend to access news from online platfo...
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