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Ethics Essay: Expidiency

Essay Instructions:

Answer each set of questions in one to two paragraphs. Express your answers in your own words: avoid quoting from the texts.

1. What does Katz mean by “expediency”? How does the 1942 memo cited at the opening of the text exemplify this idea of expediency? What are some other examples of expediency taken too far that Katz mentions?
2. How did Alan think of himself in the workplace? How did his coworkers think of him? What relationship does Wardle see between Alan’s practices as a communicator and his failure to thrive on the job?

Questions 3 and 4. Choose two of the ethical dilemmas below and write (in paragraph form, not bullet points):
What are the relevant ethical concepts and principles from the assigned reading by Markel and Selber? (For example: rights, justice, obligations to your employer, copyright law, etc.)
Why are those concepts and principles relevant in this case?
What would you do and why?

Here are the two ethical dilemmas I chose below:
Option B:

It is late April, and you need a summer job. On your town’s news website, you see an ad for a potential job. The only problem is that the ad specifically mentions that the job is “a continuing, full-time position.” You know that you will be returning to college in the fall. Is it ethical for you to apply for the job without mentioning this fact? Why or why not? If you believe it is unethical to withhold that information, is there any ethical way you can apply?

Option C:

Your company has been taking shortcuts with quality control, resulting in the manufacture of food products that barely meet health and safety requirements. You create anonymous accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and you post evidence of the quality control issues on the accounts, tagging the corporate accounts. Was your action right?

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Essay on Ethics
Question One
The perspective Katz harbors on expediency from the article is that it is a technical criterion that is a means to an end. He identified that from the technical writing of the memo, expediency was applied to mass destruction of Jews during the holocaust. Katz alluded that the ethos of expediency were vivid in the memo particularly in the form of euphemisms and metaphors that were used not only to denote but also objectify and conceal process and people (Katz 255). The memo cited at the opening of the text exemplifies the idea of expediency in various ways. For one, it is exemplified through the use of figures of speech such as ellipsis. Secondly, it also comes to the fold in the form of litotes or rather ironic understatements. The other example of expediency taken too far includes the decision not to inform the public of a bomb threat at Pan Am Airlines to ensure the airlines keeps operating (Katz 255). As a result, 270 people lost their lives.
Question Two
Alan thought of himself at the workplace as being very powerful and authoritative and that it was only the chair that was above him. He viewed other members in the department as being beneath him. As such, the department members were not only ignorant of Alan’s initiatives to help them but would often laugh at him and his emails. According to Wardle, Alan’s practices as a communicator led to his failure to thrive on the job. This is because Alan sent out emails to all departme...
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