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Loa to Divine Narcissus and the Introduction of Christianity In Spain

Essay Instructions:

The essay is about theatre-Loa to Divine Narcissus

Loa to Divine Narcissus (Spanish: El Divino Narciso) by the Mexican writer Sor Juana Inés de la Cru

FQ! i dal.brightspace.com i- ☆ dDMini EssaysTwo Mini Essays: (750 words) (15% ea.)
You are required to write on at least two of the major plays we will be discussing this year. You may choose which of the plays you will write about, but responses must be submitted on the day we begin discussing the play in question. Thus, the possible due dates are:
o 15 January {The Spanish Tragedy)
o 27 January (A Chaste Maid in Cheap side)
o 10 February (Fuenteovejuna)
o 26 February (Loa to Divine Narcissus)
o 9 March (Tartuffe)
o 16 March (A Bold Stroke for a Wife)
o 25 March (Lovers ’ Vows)
While you may write responses on any of these dates, I recommend starting early. You will only be graded for two mini essays, but I will give you a chance to submit a third and I will drop your lowest grade. Obviously, the earlier you start, the easier it will be to submit a third if you would like to.
There are three different kinds of responses you may choose from.
a. Analytical: chose a passage from your chosen play that is at least 30 lines long. Analyse your passage using close reading and build an argument about how it functions in the context of the rest of the play (please do not use secondary sources). You might notice details like word choice, stage directions, who is onstage, etc.
b. Comparative: Compare the play you are responding to with another play that we have studied (obviously this option will not be available for The Spanish Tragedy unless you are ahead in your reading). Note similarities and/or differences you notice between the plays and think about factors that might explain those differences, including genre, time period, or place.
c. Contextual: analyse your chosen play through the lens of a critical reading from the same time period. (Philip Sidney for The Spanish Tragedy, William Rankins or Thomas Heywood for A Chaste Maid in Cheap side, Lope de Vega fox Fuenteovejuna, the abbe d’Aubignac for Tartuffe, or any of the characters in Mansfield Park for Lovers ’ Vows). What would these critics think of the play in question? Does it fit into their rules, break them, or both?
Grade Breakdown:
A (80-100%)
o Essay demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the text and in the case of:
■ A. Analytical: demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of both the details of the chosen section and its context in and relevance to the rest of the play& (ff№)X

d’Aubignac for Tartuffe, or any of the characters in Mansfield Park for Lovers ’ Vows). What would these critics think of the play in question? Does it fit into their rules, break them, or both?
Grade Breakdown:
A (80-100%)
o Essay demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the text and in the case of:
A. Analytical: demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of both the details of the chosen section and its context in and relevance to the rest of the play■ B. Comparative: demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the genres, time periods, and/or places of both of the plays considered and clearly compares the two, understanding similarities and differences
C. Contextual: demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of both the play in its unique historical context and the perspective of the critic from the same time period and is able to bring them into conversation
Includes a strong thesis statement and supporting points throughout the paper Thesis is supported by relevant and well-chosen evidence. Argument is thorough and convincing
Writing is error-free and a pleasure to read; sophisticated use of essay format; correct MLA formattingB (70-79%)o Essay demonstrates a firm understanding of the text and relevant contextual information
o Includes a clear thesis statement and supporting points
o Thesis is supported by suitable evidence; argument is fairly well-structured and plausible
o Writing contains few errors; correct essay format; few MLA problemsC (58-69%):

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course code:
Introduction of Christianity In Spain
Loa to Divine Narcissus is a play that reflects the Spanish colonial period. The work was written in 1689 and was considered a loa which refers to a short theoretical piece. The intention of the writer was to portray social interactions between Spain’s natives and their colonizers, the Americans. This essay analyzes a passage in Scene II that heavily discusses religion and its relation to the entire play.
Religion is portrayed by a woman to represent the missionaries in Spain and they are the main protagonist of Scene II together with Zeal. Religion is angry and is calling out to Zeal, The Spanish Captain in Armor to deal with the idolatry that is rampant in the land. She does this in a challenging manner as if she is questioning Zeal’s ability. “You are Zeal, and being Zeal, how can your Christian fury bear to see idolatry, false and blind, celebrate with superstitious cults an idol, a vile affront to me, the Christian Religion?” Zeal, however, assures Religion that he is going to deal with them and that she should not be quick to judge his inactivity. He vows to avenge her and punish the wrongdoings. “Religion: please do not complain so quickly of my omission, or lament my poor blandishments; for my right arm now is upraised and brandishing my sword, and I shall avenge these wrongs, for your sake. Withdraw, my lady, to one side while I claim your rightful vengeance.”
This whole issue is regarding Occident and America, which have angered religion by worshiping idols. As Zeal prepares to show his might, Religion asks him to usher them with peace and love with the intention of talking some sense into them and changing their way of life. She confirms Occident and America to be of rich background as she refers to them as, “Oh, most powerful Occident, beautiful, rich America, who live impoverished amid these prodigal bounties of wealth.” She tries to convince them to do away with their worship of the blasphemous cult which she describes to be incited by Satan. Occident and America, however, consider Religion a stranger and view thi...
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