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Queer Theory in Frankenstein

Essay Instructions:

Paper 2: Applying a Lens

4-5 pages

So far this semester, we have discussed several theories and terms as ways to read and interpret literature. For this paper, you will apply ONE theory or a glossary term to ONE of the texts we have read from this semester. Your argument must explain the significance of relating the theory or term to the text you have selected. What does it reveal in your reading to apply this theory to the text? What new readings might it generate? Use the theory or term as a lens to understanding the text, not just identify its presence in the text. That is, you must not simply demonstrate that the term or theory is seen in the text. You must also explain why it is significant to reading the text altogether.

Some ideas to get you started:

Discussing biopolitics in Frankenstein

Examining linguistic relativity in one of our texts

Applying queer theory to a text other than Charlotte Charke’s autobiography

Examining the consequences of Othering in The White Tiger

Explaining ideas of deconstruction in the Postmodern era

Discussing naming as a form of biopolitics

These are just some ideas and suggestions you are welcome to work with. You are also welcome to generate your own theoretical read provided it is related to the course. If you are unsure, feel free to email me or see me during office hours.

Final Notes about Paper 2:

A paper that is mostly or all summary will receive a failing grade.

You are expected to quote directly and sufficiently from the texts. Again, I suggest examining one portion or scene closely. If you discuss multiple scenes, you must explain how they are directly connected (i.e. you cannot discuss 2-3 scenes separately in 2-3 paragraphs; the connection must be explained).

You can use ONE outside source, in which case, it must be cited properly and must be relevant.

Any and all quotes, paraphrase, or external material must be cited in-text and in the Works Cited. All paraphrase must be in your own words and syntax (i.e. do not copy/paste and change a few words, even with citation). Failure to cite properly is akin to plagiarism.

Do not rely on other people’s ideas for this paper; I want your unique analysis. Under no circumstances should you use another person’s analysis as your own (e.g. from summary sites like SparkNotes, &c.).

the doc in Chinese is the definition for the glossary. And use one term for the essay. I would like to recommend use one of the following topics.

1.Discussing biopolitics in Frankenstein

2.Applying queer theory to a text other than Charlotte Charke’s autobiography

the sources you need to find are based on the term from glossary he picks. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor’s Name
Queer Theory in Frankenstein
Mary Shelley was a feminist that was strongly interested in the social setting and the depiction of male-female relationship. In “Frankenstein,” Mary Shelley uses Victor Frankenstein as a protagonist that enhances the theme of queer theory. Sinatra defines queer theory as a field of feminist criticisms that emerged in the late twentieth century to deconstruct gender roles and identities. This theory has expanded to increase strict criticism in mismatch of behavior among gender. Some of the criticisms include criticism on gender roles, same-sex relationships, and dressing codes. This essay is a critical analysis of incidences of queer theory in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and how characters bring out this theory.
Charlie explains that the main reason why Frankenstein decides to create the creature is due insufficient satisfaction or a sense of incompatibility that he has in women. In queer theory, a person develops an intimate relationship with a person of the same gender. After Frankenstein has created the scientific object, he states that “…a new species will bless me as its source…” (Shelley 37). Frankenstein had failed to find a natural companion of opposite sex. Even when one could say that he could have looked for a woman, the reason behind him creating a male creature instead of a female creature and believing that he will derive a sense of satisfaction in it is a clear indication of queer behavior.
Victor’s queer behavior is also evident in the manner he describes his work to Wharton. He is interested in taking over the role of a woman, the role of conceiving a creature that will “bless” him. He vividly describes his determination to Wharton on how he spent time in a solitary room or sale at the top of the building, collecting bones and putting every detail in his artistic work. He does not believe that a woman could have conceived a partner of his choice. He is propelled by desire for a companion of his choice, a partner that he has made out of his efforts. He tells Wharton that his “human nature turned with loathing” (Shelley 38) whenever he was occupied with his task. This is an obsession beyond ordinary occupation that one can engage in. He is consumed by desire of getting a complete creature of his own to the extent that his human nature is weakened, perhaps yearning for a moment to complete his work and derive his satisfaction in it. The irony of this feeling is magnified by the fact that Victor hardly pays attention to Elizabeth, a woman that is constantly sending him letters. Instead of Victor falling in love and embracing Elizabeth’s love, the very woman that he is to love scares him out of his bed when he is trying to kiss her. He describes the woman as a “…imprinted first kiss on her lips…they became livid like a hue of death” (Shelley 42). This feeling scares him to the point of death. He further explains that when he wakes up, he sees a scary figure of the creature he had helped bring to life.
Shelley depicts Victor as a man afraid of raising a family, especially in the manner that Victor fears permanent commitment to marriage. When Victor’s father proposes that he marries Elizabeth, Victo...
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