English Course: Reflection on Writing Experience
Purpose & Description Final exams are traditionally designed to test the knowledge you have acquired throughout a particular course of instruction. Rather than completing a timed written exam for this course, however, you will instead compose an essay outside of class and submit it during the final exam period. Your general aim will be to reflect on the work you have completed this semester and explain how you plan to apply it toward the writing and rhetorical situations you expect to encounter in your majors and, potentially, in your lives beyond the university. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.
Invention & Inquiry• Collect and analyze the Author Notes you have completed;• Identify areas where your writing has improved throughout the semester;• Identify areas where you would like to continue strengthening your craft as a writer;• Specify ways in which you will apply what you have learned toward writing in your major (or in some other, specific context, where you expect to write on a regular basis).
The Composing Process• Introduce your narrative and define the scope of your paper;• Discuss where you began as a writer at the start of the semester;• Discuss the progress you have made as a writer throughout the semester;• Discuss how you will apply what you have learned beyond the semester;• Conclude your essay by discussing how you plan to continue developing and applying your craft as a writer beyond the course. What situations do you expect to encounter? What audiences do you expect to address? What genres will you be asked to produce? What are the conversations you want to join?
Specific RequirementsYour paper should:• Focus on narrative exposition;• Reflect on your writing practices;• Be written in a clear, precise, and engaging style;• Include a title that reflects the spirit of the assignment;• Be 2-3 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface);• Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).
You have engaged in many reading, writing, and research tasks throughout the semester. For this final assignment, you get the opportunity to reflect on what you have accomplished and strategize about the ways in which you will continue to develop your craft as a writer.
Reflection on Writing Experience
My experience with writing the paper was quite an interesting on I must say. From it, I learnt a lot of things, both positive and negative, which will obviously play a huge role in my future writing assignments as well as personal development. From the negatives, I specifically identified places that I had weaknesses in, so that I could work on them accordingly, while from the positives, I learnt the specifics where I would strengthen my efforts.
The foremost aspect of it all was the need to ensure that there is a clear arrest of the audience’s attention. This is to simply mean that there needs to be a lot of focus in the crafting of the introduction. Just like addressing an audience on stage, it is imperative that the introduction has got that catch, which helps in keeping the reader focused on the next word and the next line thereafter. Keeping the reader glued to the text is no easy task. Subsequently, the selection of the topic also goes some way into crafting a catchy introduction. The mechanics of writing follow after all these.
I began the introduction with a concession, particularly acknowledging that there is indeed a well-documented review on issues to do with community service. The use of concession was my choice of an introduction strategy for this particular paper, as it helps in establishing some matter of fact, which would then be built upon in the later stages of the essay. It was my belief too, that through this rhetorical strategy for the introduct...