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The Type Of Energy That Is Produced From Natural Processes

Essay Instructions:

The work you have completed up to this point in the semester has prepared you to join a conversation as an informed, thoughtful, and persuasive writer. Among other things, you have identified relevant topics, gathered various types of information, and analyzed a range of arguments. Your aim, now, will be to compose an argumentative essay in which you position yourself within a “conversation” involving your topic. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.
Invention and Inquiry Gather together the resources you have developed in the first two projects;• Identify the core problem that motivates the conversation;• Note the different perspectives represented in the conversation;• Consider where you stand with respect to core problem and competing perspectives;• Draft a thesis statement in which you position yourself within the conversation.The Composing Process• Introduce your topic and define the scope of your paper;• Offer some background on your topic and why it should be of interest to readers;• Use your sources to inform your audience but also strengthen your own position;• Draw a conclusion about the topic that adds something new to the conversation; • Conclude your essay by pointing toward additional research and analysis that can be done to better understand the issue as part of an ongoing conversation.The audience for this assignment is your instructor and your classmates. You should anticipate that readers have some education and knowledge of the subject but do not necessarily possess a clear or complete understanding of it. Your aim, ultimately, should be to move your readers in some way: whether to shift their thinking about the topic or to motivate them to take a particular action (or both). 
Specific RequirementsYour essay should:• Articulate and develop a clear and compelling thesis;• Position your argument within a recognizable conversation;• Include a minimum of 5-6 sources;• Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;• Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the essay;• Be 6-7 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface);• Be uploaded to Canvas and printed and submitted to me in class by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).The work of joining a conversation is not easy. As you have learned throughout the course, it requires careful research and an ongoing commitment to learning from what others have to say; it also involves having something novel to say on your own. Your goal for this paper should be to demonstrate your knowledge of the topic you have researched and reflect a skilled approach of someone who is committed to his or her craft—a writer who not only has something meaningful to say but one who can also say it well. 

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Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is the type of energy that is produced from natural processes that are replenished continuously. These may include; geothermal, sunlight, water, wind and may also be produced from the tides. This type of energy cannot be exhausted, and it is continuously renewed. This type of energy provides energy in essential areas including; electricity generation, transport, and off-grid energy services. The advantages of using renewable energy should be made to the public across or the countries in the world since it ensures sustainability and conserves the environment. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and discuss the advantages that are associated with using renewable energy and also examine why it should be recommended for against other non-renewable energy sources.
The discussions about renewable energy have become more common, several terms have been introduced to refer to this type of energy. It has also been referred as green or clean energy. Typically, anything that is used in creating energy and does renew itself is regarded as a renewable source of energy. These renewing form of energy includes hydro energy ‘water’ which is energy tapped from large-scale hydroelectric dams. Geothermal energy; this is a thermal form of energy that is tapped from the surface of the earth. Biomass; it is referred as biofuels. It is renewable because it gets its energy from the sun which is regarded as the most significant source of renewable energy.
I strongly advocate the renewable sources of energy because of the many benefits that these energies bring to the economy and the environment. These energies reduce the global warming emissions. This is because there are minimum emissions which are released into the atmosphere. Renewable energy also improves the quality of public health and enhance the quality of the environment. For example, this type of energy has numerous health benefits; this is because it has reduced the water and air pollution which is familiar with fossil fuel and is linked with breathing problems, cancer, and heart attacks. Another significant advantage of a renewable source of energy is that it is inexhaustible; renewable energy sources of energy cannot be depleted since they regularly renew themselves.
To begin with, renewable energy is key in preventing and reducing the negative climate changes. Phebe Asantewaa and Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie in A review of renewable energy sources, sustainability issues and climate change mitigation the world’s need for energy plus the steadily increasing population have contributed greatly to the use of fossil fuel energy such as coal. These form of energy result in many challenges such as greenhouse gas emission and exhaustion of reserves where the fossils are generated from. Such problems have caused many environmental concerns which not only affect the environment but also cause numerous disadvantages to the climate.
Excessive use of non-renewable energy sources such as fossils results to the production of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere where it increases the levels of the greenhouse effect. Use of renewable energy sources would help in reducing the dangerous gases emitted to the atmosphere. Notably, use of renewable energy would also help in minimizing the expenses used in extracting and importing fossil fuel. Additionally, it would also help in reducing the dependency on fossil fuel which is expensive when compared with renewable energies.
‘Global Renewable Energy-Based Electricity Generation and Smart Grid System for Energy Security’ is an article written by A. Islam, M. Hasanuzzaman, A. Rahim and M. Hosenuzaaman which examines the importance of energy security in the economic development of any country (M. A. Islam, pp.1-13). The authors outline that energy security involves the existence and readiness of the energy, the gap between energy generation and consumption, issues concerned with environmental sustainability and the cost used in the process of energy generation.
Energy security is a critical reason as to why people should focus on using renewable energy types. Non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuel are not readily available; they are concentrated in some regions while they are absent in other places. The fossil fuels are non-renewable, meaning it gets depleted with time (M. A. Islam, pp.1-13). On the other side, renewable energy sources su...
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