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Effects of the Systemic Facet of Modern Technology

Essay Instructions:

To write a 2,200–2,500 word argument essay in which identify one facet of modern technology that's debatable or controversial because people may or may not rely on it too much. To persuade your audience that this particular facet of modern technology either should or shouldn't be limited due to people's reliance on it. To use at least six secondary sources to support

your argument including A minimum of three articles from Expanded Academic ASAP. A minimum of three secondary sources that you have evaluated according to the guidelines in your textbook

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Effects of the Systemic Facet of Modern Technology
The constant advancements in technology have resulted to modern technology which is currently in use. This modern technology is associated with both positive and negative impacts in different fields. Accordingly, modern technology is able to transform people, places and things which come into contact with it. The effects of technology are determined by the facet of technology involved. This implies that distinct aspects such as computers and robots will impact the involved parties differently and hence, result to different effects. Considering the computer facet of technology, the positive impacts are more than its adverse effects. This is attributed to the advantages of computers such as accuracy and speed (Greenfield & Graedel, 2). In turn, this simplifies the work that can be performed by the persons involved. However, this facet has its disadvantages such as system failure which may adversely affect the individual depending on the computers. Despite the negative effects of computers, their usefulness makes them relevant in all fields such as medicine and education. Ultimately, this paper argues that computers should not be limited to but be heavily relied upon in medical practice and in schools to help achieve quality care and efficiency in education respectively.
The development and consequent evolution of computers has made them useful in many ways. In order to understand the positive effects of computers in medical practice and schools, it is important to look at their features. Computers are accurate, store bulky data in less space and enable easy retrieval. Modern personal computers and laptops are less bulky in nature and hence, they are easily portable. As technology evolves, computers become more reliable due to improved accuracy that counters human error. Generally, computers are used in their different forms given the availability of multiple varieties. As such, different forms of computers are convenient to use and highly reliable according to the needs of the involved institution (Guan, 459). They function in a manner which simplifies work and saves the time of involved persons. Consequently, these characteristics of computers are relevant in improving the efficiency in fields where computers are used.
Computers aid in record keeping of bulky data within healthcare facilities. Most of these healthcare facilities have numerous numbers of patients. These patients have a variety of data ranging from medical history, prescription and appointment schedules. Keeping all this information in hardcopies would be bulky and cause problems when retrieving it. Moreover, it would limit the space available in the medical institutions. As such, computers are relevant in storing the patient data (Glick, 36). However, the sole purpose of these computers cannot be to store patient record. This is because computers have a variety of characteristics which make them useful in the many ways within the same setup. Moreover, the same characteristic can be applied in other fields such as within a business company to achieve the same purpose. Accordingly, the records within a firm are likely to be many, necessitating the need for computers to help store the bulky data. This shows that computers are relevant in medical practice but should not be limited to the field alone. Consequently, computers should not be limited to this field or in this function, but used extensively to achieve this purpose. In the medical practice, computers are installed in the hospital management system. In turn, they help to store bulky patient data as well as all relevant administrative data. This impacts medical practice positively since such data can be easily retrieved whenever it is required (Greenfield & Graedel, 5). Furthermore, all the data is safeguarded within the computers and cannot easily land in unauthorized hands. This is attributed to the software installed in the computers within the hospital management system. Storing bulky data and ensuring its privacy as well as easy retrieval of the data should be taken as a basis for extensively suing computers within medical practice.
On the other hand, the computers are subject to system failure. This implies that such computers can stop functioning whenever there is a problem within the hospital management system. This will be disadvantageous to the healthcare facility and all the involved stakeholders. Such a system failure is likely to result in the loss of multiple data which cannot be easily retrieved. For instance, the loss of a patient’s medical history cannot be easily retrieved when the main hospital computer suffers a system failure. The impact is greater when the data was not backed up manually as in most cases. Doctors and other medical practitioners will have to begin from scratch with the patients. This may result to wrong diagnosis that could be as a result of inadequate patient history. Apart from this, other hospital data may impact the operation of the hospital. For instance; the loss of payroll remittance and other hospital expense may negatively impact the operation of the hospital. Accordingly, system failures in computers are likely to cause the affected facility to incur unnecessary expenses in fixing the damage. In the process, sensitive patient data may land into unauthorized hands. This could end in legal suits by the patient to the hospital depending on the severity of damage caused. Although all data may not be lost, the process of recovering bulky data is likely to be costly to the medical institution involved (Glick, 37). This is attributed to the fact that that institution would be required to pay for expertise as well as purchase new computers and other associated equipment.
In addition to storage of bulky data, computers with monitoring systems can be fitted in intensive care units and patients wards to enable healthcare professionals to monitor the patients. Additionally, they can be used to diagnosis patients and prescribe medicine according to the illness detected. This simplifies the work of medical professionals and enables them to provide quality care to all their clients. Specialized computers fitted with relevant software can also be used with patients who have impaired abilities such as hearing (Simon, 113). This will help the patients to improve their hearing abilities and hence, a demonstration of quality healthcare services with the help of a computer. Despite the negative impacts that computers can bring, they help to achieve medical competency. Computers positive contribution to the medical field makes them appropriate to be used extensively. Conversely, this use should not be limited to the medical field alone or a particular use within the medical field. Ultimately, computers simplify the process of administering quality health care for the ben...
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