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Effect and solution of fast fashion. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay about "fast fashion".

Please redraw a title that meets the content of the article!!

Introduce fast fashion and then write about its real cost (environmental and human rights) impact

The most important thing is to write solutions that are creative and original!!

At least two solutions

Use the source for every point

Sophomore year of college homework

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Fast Fashion
The industrial revolution set in motion changes that affected the fashion industry for the better. New textile machines that made production easier started being used. Factories that specialized in fashion products cropped up, and clothing made in bulk became popular. Patented in 1846, the sewing machine was responsible for the decline in clothing prices while increasing the manufacturing scale of clothing.
Low-income earners would continue making their clothes while the middle-class would source their garments from local dressmaking businesses. These businesses had their in-house employees, but also had aspects of the production handled by people working from home at a low price. The middle-class consumer was more receptive of these mass-produced products after the Second World War. The war made certain fabric restrictions and styles necessary, making people accustomed to standardized clothing after the war (Barnes and Lea-Greenwood).
Fashion trends gained traction in the 1960s. Young people opted for cheaply made clothing that was in line with what was trending at the time. Fashion brands felt the pressure of keeping up with the demand. They solved the issue by opening up textile mills in developing countries. This enabled the companies to maximize production while saving millions of dollars thanks to the cheap labor available in these countries.
Today, fast fashion has only become more popular. The demand is higher than ever, but this has come at a cost. The fashion industry is now marred by unfair labor practices and has become an environmental threat due to the massive amount of waste disposed each year (Barnes and Lea-Greenwood).
Environmental Cost
The focus on producing clothing at a fast pace and low-cost to meet demand has a harmful effect on the environment.  The manufacturing has led to an increase in water pollution, widespread use of toxic chemicals and a high level of textile waste. To make the desired colors and fabric finishes, various compounds are used in the products. Most of the chemicals used are toxic. Textile dyeing is ranked as the second greatest polluter of water worldwide. Polyester is the most sought-after fabric in the textile industry. When washing garments made of this material, microfiber is shed that find a way into the oceans. The result is high levels of plastic in the oceans. The microfiber is not biodegradable, presenting a threat to marine life. Toxic chemicals are used in cotton fields to kill off weeds and pests. These chemicals are not only a threat to the environment, but also to the lives of the farmers. Cases of congenital d...
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