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Education Redefined

Essay Instructions:
draft and write only 600-650. ----------------------------------------------- Topic : Use extended definition to redefine or more narrowly define one of the following terms: education, family, middle age, neighbour. Use your extended definition to say something fresh and relevant about this abstract and commonly used term. We all think we know what we mean by these terms, but you should use your extended definition to comment on or add to social perceptions. For example, you might say that education is commonly perceived as something formal that happens in an institution, but that there are other forms of education. ------------------------------------- Clear thesis Good analytical organization Originality and/or sophistication, often expressed via specific examples and complex sentence style and diction Subtle understanding and expression of content No basic grammar errors ---------------------------------------------------- Checklist Here is a checklist for revising, editing, and proofreading. Note that chapters 5 and 6 as well as the Handbook section of your textbook provide further suggestions for checking the final version of your essay. Introduction: Is my essay topic clear to my reader in the first few sentences of the paragraph? Does my introduction lead the reader to expect specific stages in the developmental section of the paper? Does this paragraph match the tone of the rest of the essay? Is there a strong, full, suitably narrowed and clearly worded thesis statement? Developmental Paragraphs: Does each paragraph include a clear topic sentence? Have I fully analyzed the topic under study? Have I used a variety of rhetorical methods, as appropriate? Is each paragraph nicely unified and linked to the essay as a whole? Conclusion: Does this paragraph signal that the essay is complete? Does this paragraph suggest the larger significance of my ideas? Does this paragraph unify the essay into an artistic whole? Does this paragraph match the tone of the rest of the essay?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Education Redefined
Education is never ending. It begins with the birth of an individual and then it goes on until the last day of an individual. Education equips the individual with social, moral, cultural and spiritual aspects, and thus makes life progressive, cultured and civilized; but what is education? Education is perceived as something formal that happens in an institution, but there are other forms of education.
Narrow Context
Generally, education is regarded as “a form of learning in which, knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next” (Rather 12). In a limited sense, education is confined to the school and the university instruction. Education starts from the day a child is enrolled in a school, and it ends when the child completes studies and leaves at the college or university stage. Here, education is limited to classroom teaching. It is formal in nature. The different examinations passed indicate his success of education. This type of education is intentional and not incidental. It is consciously received education and it is imparted by the institution through an organized way. Here, education is synonymous with instruction.
Broader Context
In a broader context, education means the totality of experience gained by an individual from birth to death. It is not the communication of information by the teachers. It is not also just the acquisition of knowledge by the student. The fact is it is the total development of personality. Here, learning is through any agency such as home, street, school, playground, society, cinema and the list is endless.
The Nature of Education
Instruction is an integral part of education. The process of instruction generally goes on in the classroom situations. Instruction is often used synonymously with education but often specific teaching is akin to the skill of training rather than to education in a bro...
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