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Main Drivers Of Neocolonialism In Africa

Essay Instructions:

You will write and submit a six-page (excluding title/citation pages) draft of your research paper on the importance of your chosen topic. Your research paper should explore a historical theme of the oppression of Africana people such as racism, neo-colonialism, sexism, classism, capitalism, educational indoctrination, and ideology, culture, and identity, philosophy and morality. You are expected to consult in addition to the text three (3) additional secondary sources ( use only one website as a research source; the other two or more sources should be academic print journals/books from the main library or elsewhere). Use MLA citation.

1) Useful hints or organization:

a) Have a one or two paragraph introduction which should provide a clear explanation/ analysis of your chosen topic leading to your thesis statement,

b) The thesis statement should be underlined. It must be an assertion that reflects your understanding or stance on the subject of your essay.

2) In general, the body of your essay should be organized around assertions to be explained and supported by evidence in the rest of the paragraph. These assertions in well-stated topic sentences should serve as guidelines to help your reader follow the development of your essay.

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Name Course Instructor Date Neocolonialism in Africa Great powers, especially those from Europe and the United States have continued to control the African powers indirectly, whether socially, politically, economically or culturally. Neocolonialism can be defined as an instance whereby the more powerful states take charge indirectly over other nations which are less powerful (Obeng-Odoom 151). The terminology came into existence after the completion of the World War II, which aimed at the continued dependence of the former dependencies. Neocolonialism has led to exploitation of weaker countries without redress while those funneling it are granted power with no responsibility. The concept of Neocolonialism was utilized in various parts of the world for instance in Africa and Asia. It came into usage in Africa fully in the in the 20th century. It was conducted by the European countries that had colonized Africa in the 19th century. These countries were driven by factors such as getting raw materials for their industries, especially minerals and cash crops. This implied that the countries still had the power to control the economy of Africa, despite the fact that the control was achieved indirectly. It brought the erosion of culture, the introduction of viral diseases, new technology, infrastructure, and communication network was advanced. The paper gives an analysis of Neocolonialism in Africa, its main drive, the impact as well as the methods used by the great powers to subject Africa to Neocolonialism. Main drivers of Neocolonialism in Africa Neocolonialism was ignited by various elements in African which came from both the great powers and the new states. To begin with, it was brought about by the fact that the European nations had been weakened by the two wars-World War I and II. The great powers had lost much during these wars which made them devise a way of regaining their lost properties by being opportunistic to the new states which were weak. This led to a change from colonialism to neocolonialism. Additionally, the colonial powers were driven by their economic needs; for example, the need to acquire market for selling their finished product as well as raw materials for their industries. They were compelled to take control of Africa in order to enjoy these benefits with the aim of developing as Africa remains poor. Others argue that Africa attracted neocolonialism by itself; it is because most of the African countries continued to depend on the developed countries even after they gained independence. African nations had increased needs to support its people; this compelled them to accept to be controlled economically by its former colonies hence promoting neocolonialism. Neocolonialism was also driven by the set policies of the Soviet Union and the USA.The two great powers purposed to expand their territories to the new states which led to control of these states, therefore, enhancing neocolonialism. The Cold War was another contributing factor leading to neocolonialism. The cold war made it difficult for the new states which were weaker; they did not have the capacity to defend themselves. Thus, they were forced to join one side of the two rival blocks (The Soviet Union and the USA) (Obeng-Odoom 155). Approaches of Neocolonialism The great powers utilized various approaches which aimed to ensure that they take control of new states. They utilized economic, social and political means to achieve neocolonialism. Politically, the great powers planted and supported puppet leaders to take control of African countries. Such leaders did not have the interest of their people at heart, but their own selfish interests. They could collaborate with the former colonial powers thus giving the colonial powers opportunity to control these nations indirectly. Such puppet leaders are the richest, while their citizens live in extremely sub-standard conditions. In addition, great powers established the military base in various regions of Africa with the aim of safeguarding their own interests. The imperialist used to support the puppet leader who serves their interest, an example is the United States, which gave out over 243 militaries in 49 different nations in Asia and AfricaCITATION Obe13 \p 153 \l 1033 (Obeng-Odoom 153). Economically, great powers invested heavily in the new states through the establishment of companies. These companies employ African citizens cheaply as well as sell products to them at high prices, hence exploiting the country indirectly since such citizens pay less income to the country in the form of tax. Another economic approach utilized entails worldwide control of the market mainly by the two powers: the USA and Europe. They realized this through fixing African produce by keeping the prices too low. This ensured that African nations make fewer profits, which enhanced the low growth rate of Africa economically. Africa is forced to continue depending on their support. Europe and America have devised another approach economically that supports the culture of Neocolonialism through giving out of grants and loans to Africa. Organs such as the World Bank are employed by the imperialist states to give Africa and Asia loans and grants which they are forced to pay back later at a hi...
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