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Dragnet Nation Research Paper: Individuals, Corporations, And Government Agencies

Essay Instructions:

Essay #3: Dragnet Nation Research Paper
In this paper, consider one of these issues for further research in order to develop a more informed position on the issue of your choice. Review your reading journals and any questions that sparked your interest in the topic. You must argue for or against any of the topics listed below or a topic you would like to explore. However, at least one of your paragraphs must address another side of the argument through concession and rebuttal.
Page Length: 5-6 pages, not including the works cited page.
Dragnet Nation discusses quite a few issues that have arisen since 2001 with regard to the state of surveillance, technology, privacy, and security in the United States. You should choose from the topics listed below.
Here are some ideas:
Choose a “dragnet” or surveillance program that you would like to research (e.g. drones, security cameras, body cameras on law enforcement officers, Google Glass, online medical records, collection of metadata by the NSA, “No Fly” List, license plate cameras, etc.) You can argue if these surveillance programs are effective etc…or you can pick an idea address currently in the news regarding privacy and surveillance.
You must have a clear argumentative thesis statement. Review Chapter 3 Premises and Conclusion
The works cited page must have 6 sources, including Dragnet Nation ( you must use a significant amount of support from Dragnet Nation). At least 4of the sources must be scholarly articles (found using the Laney College Library database). The other sources may be web sources or print sources. You may use some of Angwin's sources (see Notes, p. 225-274).
Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for college level research.
Other possible ideas:
• Patriot Act (ch. 2) and USA Freedom Act
• Edward Snowden, PRISM, and Bradley/Chelsea Manning
• 4th amendment and Due Process of Law (and its relationship to privacy and surveillance), ch. 2
• Third Party Doctrine (ch. 2) and Metadata (ch. 2)
• FISA (what it is, controversies, famous cases, etc.), ch. 2 and 3
• Stasi surveillance (ch. 3) and Germans' opinions and government policies regarding privacy and surveillance now; topic could also be expanded to talk about surveillance in totalitarian regimes
• Aviation and Transportation Security Act (p. 93, ch. 6) and the No-Fly List
• Electronic Communications Privacy Act (p. 114, ch.8), Wiretap Act (p. 124)
• Ad tracking, cookies, and encryption (ch. 1, 13)
• Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (p. 217, ch. 15)
• Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (p. 217, ch. 15) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (p. 219)
Current Topics:
• Recent Developments
• Cell Phones Blocked During Music Concerts
• Apple vs. The Government ( cell phone encryption)
• Android Case for Malware
• ATM Cards-New Chip
• Cyber Terrorism
• "Golden Age of Surveillance."
• Social Media And Privacy
• Uber and Data Regulators
• FCC and Internet Privacy
• Online Health Services
• Online Banking
• Police Body Cameras
• Questions Remain About How To Use Data From License Plate Scanners
• ‘Dark Net'
 • Consumer Data
• Google Glass
• Espionage Act
• Identity theft
• Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986
• Wiretap Act
• Anonymous-the organization
• The Cloud
• Cyber War
• Self-Driving Car
Paper 3: Final Draft Evaluation Sheet
Your essay will be graded on the following criteria
Focus / Cohesion:
• The paper has a clear thesis statement that explains the writer's conclusions based on the research.
• The body paragraphs have clear topic sentences that develop the thesis and each other.
• All of the information in the paper relates to and / or develops the thesis and the topic sentences.
• The paragraphing is logical;
• The order of the information is logical and well-synthesized;
• The transitions between pieces of information and paragraphs are smooth so that the essay is cohesive.
• The paper addresses the topic.
• The paper contains specific, appropriate, and accurate information that supports the topic sentences.
• Where needed, the paper contains explanations of how the information supports the topic sentences.
• The writer incorporated key terms outlined in guidelines
• The information is appropriately in troduced.
• The writer has paraphrased and quoted appropriately
• The paper contains an engaging introduction.
• The paper contains a conclusion that offers a sense of closure.
Style and Mechanics:
• The word choice is fresh and appropriate;
• The sentence structure is clear so that the sentences are easy to read.
• The sentences are properly constructed, with few grammar or usage errors;
• The punctuation is correct;
• The writer has proofread for typographical and spelling errors.
MLA Citation: The paper will receive 0 points if the documentation is incorrect or any text is plagiarised.
• All Textual Information Accurately Cited: Yes No
• The Works Cited is Accurate (3 + sources): Yes No

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Title:
Dragnet Nation Research Paper
The issue of increased usage of security cameras by individuals, corporations, and government agencies has created heated debates relating to security and privacy concerns. In particular, the United States has seen a dramatic increase in the usage ofclosed-circuit television (CCTV) survailance cameras since September 11 terrorist attacks in the country. Traditionally, only few individuals were concerned with security and privacy issues relating to surveillance cameras. These individuals included high profile public figures who were trying to stay away from journalists or criminals who wanted to escape from the law enforcement agency (Angwin 291).Similarly, indiscriminate scooping of security information by dragnets was also rare. However, in today’s increasing usage of CCTV security cameras, it is possible for any individual to be watched regardless of his or her criminal persuasion or fame. Angwin (291) asserts that the latest advancement in technology has resulted in the development of supercharged dragnets capable of collecting huge amounts of personal information with minimal human effort. As a consequence, the use of security cameras has created two schools of thought, with one claiming that such practice is necessary to curb crimes and other vices in the society while the other claiming that the practice amounts to outright infringement of personal security. This essay advances the argument that increased usage of security cameras by the law enforcement agencies, individuals, and corporations is critical towards enhancing public security;curbing crimes; and preventing deviant social behaviors- provided that better laws are enacted to enhance personal privacy.
The use of CCTV surveillance cameras, commonly referred to as security cameras, as been on the increase globally. Millions of these cameras have been installed in businesses and streets across the world in an attempt to enhance public safety and reduce criminal activities such as terrorism. In the UK alone, there were approximately 1.9 million security cameras in the year 2011 – translating to one security camera for every 32 U.K residents (Kille & Maximino; Sheldon, 192). Similarly, the U.S. is also among the global nations with the highest number of security cameras. Particularly, Chicago has over 15,000 security cameras (Kille & Maximino). In New York, these cameras can be found on businesses, public transit and even in high-end residential areas. In general, many municipalities in the U.S. started installing security cameras in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks when the nation experienced a major security threat. According to Angwin (295), the U.S. government is deemed as the largest user of dragnets. Biale (1) affirms by claiming that towns and cities in the country are increasingly investing huge sums of money in installing security cameras. The use of such cameras is also projected to increase in the future.
The use of security cameras is critical because it facilitates the law enforcement agency to identify suspected criminals. As such, a number of security analysts have also argued in favor of the use of security cameras owing to various cases of botched terrorist attacks. Particularly, these cameras facilitated the law enforcement officers to identify suspected terrorists in the 2005 London attacks, and Boston Marathon bombing (Kille and Maximino). Identification of suspected terrorists is one of the underlying reasons as to why many people are for the use of security cameras. Kille and Maximino claim that the recent poll conducted by the CBS in conjunction with the New York Times revealed that 78% of all the respondents claimed that security cameras are necessary in public places. Thus, the law enforcement agence needs to continue using security cameras in order to identify suspected terrorists and other criminals.
In addition to identifying suspected criminals, security cameras have also contributed significantly towards the reduction of crime rate in the nation. The law enforcement agency has been utilizing these cameras in detecting and preventing various crimes and hence reducing the overall crime rate. Specifically, the cameras helped in solving 4,500 crimes in Chicago over a four-year period between 2009 and 2010 (Kille & Maximino). Such crimes could have remained largely unsolved were it not for the cameras. According to Theodore, Martin and Hollon (qtd. in Shah and Braithwaite, 415),the Chicago Police Department (CPD) started deploying security cameras as one of the police tactics to combat crime in the year 2003. An exploratory study conducted by Shah and Braithwaite(624) regarding the impact of security cameras on crimes in Chicago revealed thatsuch cameras contributed significantly towards crime reduction. Braithwaite (624) further concluded that these cameras are more effective in reducing crimes in high crime areas or neighborhoods relative to other areas.To this end, it is evident that proper deployment...
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