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Does God Love Us: Creator Has Some Extraordinary Plans

Essay Instructions:

Using the book Patterns pages 489-91 define the concept of "Faith"

Length: 700-900 words: Stay within this boundary or lose 5 points for every 10 words over/under.

Helpful link: Good definition overview + a student example

Assignment specifics:

Write an extended definition of YOUR concept of the topic "FAITH", being as CONCRETE as possible, but do not use a dictionary/formal definition. They are boring.

As per Patterns, define your chosen word using a particular Pattern of Development as listed on pages 489-90. Identify that pattern in the header after Audience.

Structure the essay using one or more of the Strategies listed on page 491. Include this information in the header also.

Your header should look like this:

Use the word you are defining in your thesis.

A common mistake others have made with this assignment is to not give THEIR definition of the word. Don't end up telling the reader, “[TOPIC] is relative. It all depends on where you are in life,” or any other such obvious, trite statements.

Demonstrate original thought: Tell the reader what the word/concept is for YOU.

As such, you should use the first person: I, me, etc. If you're not, you're probably doing something wrong.

Have an introduction (which ends with your underlined thesis), a body, and a conclusion. You may have as many paragraphs as you desire.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Professor Name Course Date Does God Love Us? In Patterns, Bryant-Mole writes that faith is all about how gracefully we face fears and failures and strengthen our trust in God’s plans for our life. We can begin the discussion by asking whether God exists or not, does He love us and care about us. It should be noticed that a spiritual power does exist somewhere in the sky. From the food we eat to the air we breathe in and from the things we do every day to the movements of planets and stars, our Creator is controlling each and everything. Why have we been sent to this world? Is there any specific reason or God just wants us to wander here and there and eventually die? Bryant-Mole argues that there is a particular reason for everything and that our Creator has some extraordinary plans for us, in this world and the afterlife (Bryant-Mole 2000). When we feel that our faith is fading, we should read Bible and Quran to have an idea of what’s the purpose of life, how to identify ourselves, where to find God, and how to amend our ways. Whether we need faith for healing or to maintain our identities, God seems to be waiting all the time and ready to reply our queries. He is there to help us succeed and guide us to the right path, the one which will allow us to enter the heaven in the afterlife. Living faith as a requirement started with Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden, but when the lady found a tree nearby, she wanted to eat its food along with her husband. The Creator, however, forbade them from doing so. They committed the mistake and ate its food anyhow, and were punished temporarily (Bryant-Mole 2000). Regardless of the fact that Adam and Eve were dear to God, they were punished for losing their faith and trust in Him, even for a moment. According to Bryant-Mole, religious faith is of great significance at the end of life. Are any specific changes going to be made in our body before we die? How the faith affects our soul? Do religious practices and beliefs remain stable until our death? These are some of the basic questions every one of us wants answers for. First of all, faith does affect our soul and body. It allows us to change our...
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