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Discuss Whether China Is Right To Help North Korea

Essay Instructions:

Write about whether China is right to secretly aid north Korea, or whether it is morally right (my opinion is half and half, which can be right and wrong).
Discuss your views and ethics.
If you use an online article, send me a link.
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The topic of the article is about China's aid to north Korea is correct?(My point is that It can be right or wrong),Discuss about ethical issues,Write more about Own opinion,If you use an online article for reference,Remember to copy links。

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Is China Right
International relations has been one of the most intriguing concepts as a discipline. It entails having to know about things as they are, not as they are supposed to be. It has no fixed formula with which to use as a blanket rule in certain instances. Various issues compound the world on a daily basis. Nations are always fighting for superiority and global domination, be it through economic muscle, or through advancement in technology. Currently, the most pertinent issue on the international platform has been the nuclear enrichment program being undertaken unabatedly, by North Korea. While nations are supposed to be vehemently against it, China seems to have taken a rather soft stand on it. While the world’s leading nations are supposed to pressure North Korea to stop its program through economic sanctions, China still aids the nation. The debate as to whether China is right or wrong in this case, is dependent on which perspective one looks at the issue.
It should be noted that China is a fast-rising economic powerhouse on the planet. It has succeeded to do this through a policy of neutrality. This means that the country has not had any bias towards any country in the world, as far as trade is concerned. This has ensured that its local industries have a broad international market. China aiding North Korea is therefore part and parcel of its normal routine, just as it can with any other nation. China’s exports to North Korea play a substantial contribution to its overall forex. By suddenly cutting relations with the nation due to international pressure, its economy is bound to be hurt. China is also not a signatory to most of the international treaties that control how nations trade with each other (Babones, 2017). As a result, its decisions in aiding North Korea are not in contravention to any international treaty that they are signatory.
When it comes to the ethical considerations, there are some ethic...
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