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Discrimination in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Discrimination in The Adventures of Huckleberry
African Americans have for the longest time been considered as second class citizens. Before and even after the Civil War, the African Americans have had to contend with the element of being treated as less humans and more animalistic (Twain). This is relative to the fact that there has been a deep-rooted culture of white supremacy and a gross perpetration of slavery. This was especially the case when referring to the southern states in the United States of America. In this section of US, slavery was an economic pillar, as most of the slave owners depended on the labor provided by the African Americans to support the vast processes of the production system. as such, even after the emancipation most of the whites were not ready to lose these kinds of privileges that the system has accorded them at the expense civil liberties for the African Americans. After the Emancipation Proclamation, there was relative sanity until the Jim Crow laws that plunged the civil liberties back to the dark days (Dato). One of the classical American literature that captures the struggles of the African Americans with a twist of a story, is The Adventures of Huckleberry. This is a novel written by Mark Twain and published in the year 1885 on 10th December. The novel gives the readers some intriguing insights in to the lives of the slaves and their masters before the Civil War came to be (Twain). This is a satire novel and the author brings out the element of discrimination against the African Americans as part of the reasons driving slavery in the novel. Twain brings out the theme of discrimination and slavery of the African Americans in a white dominated country. The novel details the life ventures of Jim an African American and slave and Huck a white
Thesis statement: in the novel Mark Twain brings out the element of discrimination against the African Americans.
The Huckleberry Finn is a novel that is set along the Mississippi river, with the lands that the slave masters owned and controlled. Much of the activities along the river involved farming with the labor coming from the slaves. In this case, the slaves were the African Americans who were treated as animals. The southern states were notorious for slavery acts, where much of the economy thrived on the idea of slavery. Much of the labor in the southern states was provided by the slaves. It is the intricate working of the slave society that Twain tries to bring out in the novel. One of the most intriguing aspects about the book being released in to the public is that, by the time it was published, slavery had been abolished. However, the country still had deep discriminatory cultures where the African Americans were treated as second class citizens. The highest numbers of the farmers in the southern states owned slaves.
To better understand the element of discrimination brought out in the novel it is crucial to consider the aspect of slave shareholding. As Twin indicates in the novel, slaves were owned by their masters and they provided the primary source of labor. They were part of the support pillars of the economy, as they drove much of the production system processes. Some of the main shareholders in slavery as indicated in the novel were the Grangerfords, the Phelps Miss Watson, king and duke. These were the key players in the novel mentioned to have been slave owners (Johnson). At one time, King and duke are seen to turn in Jim to the Phelps and turn a profit from the venture. As such, Twain tries to indicate in his novel the fact that the African Americans who formed the majority of the slaves, were discriminated against. They were treated as property and could be bought much like any other property. This shows the level of discrimination had reduced the African Americans to objects to be used by their masters at will. This regardless of the fact that, they were people with rights ("Illustrating "Slavery" In MT's Books").
Other than the fact that the Afr...
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