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Discovering A Writing Philosophy’s Claim

Essay Instructions:

First Task: Discovering a Writing Philosophy’s claim

In the very first assignment you did for UMassD – your This We Believe essay – you wrote a snapshot philosophy, one focusing on a particular piece of your life.  Now that you have had a semester of reflection and analysis about writing, you will revisit the genre of philosophy. But instead of crafting a snapshot philosophy at large, this assignment asks: what is your philosophy of writing?  Who are you as a writer, and how has what you read in class--and the research you embarked upon--reinforced or challenged your beliefs? Taught you about yourself as a learner? Writer? Reader? College student? Novice scholar? What aspects of your life-long learning journey thus far can be suitably woven into your narrative (i.e., what pre-college learning experiences could you include that you see as directly relevant to your current identity as a writer in college)? Significant to this assignment, and different from your This I Believe piece, is that you must support your argument with evidence. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor Course Date Writer's Philosophy As a thoughtful and considerate writer, I always take enough time to ensure that my writing is accurate enough to achieve whatever I am trying to articulate. Nevertheless, participating in this course has enabled me to realize that my thoughtfulness, as well as consideration, is transformed in terms of how I express it compared to how I have done that before. For years now, I could effectively respond to any task at hand. For I would emphasize on “writing the correct answer” or seeking a good response, even though it could take hours to achieve that. I always thought that writing is a difficult and strenuous process as I wanted all the words I use to represent a perfect analysis. Thus, although I regarded my individual opinion and feelings in writing, I primarily focused on engaging my thoughts in a manner that my teacher would consider to be right. Perfection is a goal I brought with me to school as a freshman. I have been practicing to write essays for hours, basically on a single assignment. This enabled me to avoid missing facts because I needed to ensure that I included everything that could help me make my essays strong and nearly perfect. Then I began writing for other purposes, but before that my expectation was that classwork would involve as much time reading as writing. In the end, the writing experience I had in the past was all about limitless hours of mental labor. Nonetheless, after this experience, I can ascertain that writing should not be strenuous. I do not need to demonstrate my knowledge, wasting a lot of effort, rather, writing should be viewed as an artful communication. I should not focus on the academic knowledge I have, but on cleverly crafting communication which will take to the stage my knowledge. For instance: Hempel, Jessi. “Facebook in the Age of the Big Tech Whistleblower.” Wired.com 19 Mar. 2018: Web. In this article, Hempel suggests that Wylie, who initially participated in the same act of harvesting data from Facebook users, is a whistleblower influenced by fear and anger. Hempel (author) provides examples showing how Wylie is not presenting his issues from a perspective of care for Facebook and other social media users, including his unethical behavior with the same company, how he lost his job, and why he is acting out of vengeance. The author uses Wylie’s story to show how experts who work for such companies do not care about what they do in order to prove tha...
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