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What Kinds Of Ties Do We Gain Or Lose As We Move From Traditional Or Virtual ?

Essay Instructions:

This essay is a paper on Rutgers' basic English writing course. A total of two author's articles as a reference to write this topic. essay includes a beginning paragraph, two body segments and an ending. Each main segment should use two quote, an idea quote, an information quote. Where idea quote is from Gladwell's article, information quote from Glopnik's article.

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Digital versus Traditional Communication
Technology has changed the way the way that people interact and this is bound to be the trend going into the future. Traditional means of communication however, form the backbone of the communication channels. With the advent of the social media, there are new frontiers of communication that have been opened. People are able to keep in touch with their friends, acquaintances and even family across the globe. In an instant one is able to send out messages to reach out thousands of people on their networks. A simple message can be circulated in a matter of hours to reach millions of people. These are abilities that most of the traditional channels of communication would not have achieved however, this is not to say that the traditional methods are not effective. They have their limitations but there are situations that require the old channels of communication. This is also the case when it comes to the new and digital means of communication in reference to the kind of ties that they break and there are those that they gain. Gladwell and Gopnik, point out to the various elements of the two in reference to their gains and their losses. Between the new digital channels of communications and the traditional means of communication, there are losses and gains when using either and it is important to consider them going into the future.
The Old
Traditionally, communication was a much more involving process and required the commitment of the parties to interact. The commitment of the parties refers to the level of persistence the parties had to maintain communication. Sending letters ad making landline calls to even a hundred persons is a task that requires the parties’ commitment to the process for the level of efficiency to be achieved. It took more time and effort to communicate to a hundred people than it does today with the level of technology. This is unlike the case with Olivia and her mother who are experiencing setbacks with the lack of commitment from digital communication. ‘It seemed obvious that Ravioli was a romantic figure of the big exotic life that went on outside her little limited life of parks and playgrounds—drawn, in particular, from a nearly perfect, mynah-bird-like imitation of the words she hears her mother use when she talks about her day with her friends’ (Gopnik). During the 1960s in the civil rights movements, the level of communication was highly structured. This is one of the elements that is associated with traditional channels (Gladwell). There had to a hierarchy which determined the flow of the information that was shared between the members. This is a movement that was associated with high level of efficiency, from the way that they passed their information to the feedback systems. Given the sensitivity of the processes that they were involved in, they needed decisions to be made from a central rank and then dispersed for them to be followed to the latter. Martin Luther King Jr. was at the helm of the communication chain. Effective decisions had to be made and fast. The traditional approach of a hierarchy and structure was quite crucial (Gladwell). As such, the traditional channel of communication was the most effective in this case. With social media decisions are formulated by way of a consensus. This means that everyone has the chance to input their opinion. As such, it is not possible to make speedy decisions a there will always be someone that feels they have a better solution. ‘The civil-rights movement was high-risk activism. It was also, crucially, strategic activism: a challenge to the establishment mounted with precision and discipline’ (Gladwell). The traditional channels have a limitation that is closely associated with the level of reach and the speed with which information gets to the members. With processions being organized across the various states in the south, there was need to make sure that the information speed and reach barriers were broken and fast (Gladwell). To counter these, most of the areas already had groups of active members working separately but for the same course. As such, the element of mobilizing the people and passing the information for the masses to attend the events, was fast. In a normal situation however this would have been impossible. With the current technology it is very easy and only takes a few hours.
The New
Breaking away from the traditional...
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