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A Different Set Of Standards Is Used To Judge Women

Essay Instructions:

This is the requirement that is given by my teachers.

Start with an argumentative claim that you want to make. Next, find material from the essay, Daniel Defoe, "The Education of Women" that support that position. Then, you will craft a paper that uses that material as the evidence for the argument you are trying to make. For example, let's say you wanted to argue that language has a deeper social impact than just being the things at which we form words from—that it influences how others treat us, our ability to succeed in life, and our own sense of identity. That argument would need to be supported by the essays we have read, and you could find plenty of material to support it (Tan, Anzaldúa, etc).

The text is the evidence and material that help support the claims we are trying to make, either in agreement or in opposition. Rhetorical methods and practices we have worked through in our course apply here—you can make use of the strategies of argument we have discussed, you can make use of the rhetorical analysis we have worked through. All of it builds into our third essay.

You will demonstrate both a mastery of the material we have read any of the skills of academic writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: A Different Set of Standards Is Used To Judge Women When it comes to what men and women do and the consequences that follow, it is clear that men will always have a soft landing while women will be looked at with a different set of eyes. Since time immemorial, women have been judged differently or have been made to seem to be of lesser value than they truly are. From an early age, girls are told not to be aggressive or assertive, or they might end up alone or cast aside. The truth is, the society was traditionally structured in a way that looked down on women and saw them as second fiddle. Certain opportunities were reserved for men, and whenever women challenged or even showed some signs of disdain for status quo, they were quickly shamed and shown their place. Today, the story is not different although to some extent women have managed to also show their grit in challenging for degrading stances. The situation today is mild and subtle, but the message is the same. While the powers that be are pushing to assure everyone that gender equality is already in the past, one is left to question the standards in place which seem to be not only degrading but also limiting to women. In his essay The Education of Women, Daniel Defoe talks about how the society often reproaches women and looks down on them while denying them the opportunity to pursue their dreams through education. He continues to note that given the same “advantages of education,” women would indeed “be guilty of less than ourselves.” Looking at some parts of the world today, one marvels at the barbaric and retrogressive laws in place which seem to erect one hurdle after another on whichever paths women choose to take. For example, a quick look at the situation of women in the Middle East will help reveal this. In the Middle East, women have been victims of Islamic as well as customary laws which seem to put a ceiling on their dreams. In his essay, Defoe talks of women spending their youth stitching and sewing, and this indeed mirrors the situation in the Middle East. The customary laws project and subject women to duties which are, to say the least subsistence. Their role is seen to be limited to the kitchen or familial duties, ...
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