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Different Practices of Writing for School vs. for Social Media Updates and Peer Review

Essay Instructions:

1 Could you ever relate to the above meme of the dog writing? If so, explain why? Reflect on when you felt like you had “no idea what you are doing” as a writer. What are some things that you now know about writing and some that you still do not know? 2 Look at the picture below. Comment on your different practices when writing for school versus for social media updates. What are some aspects of writing for school that you spend more or less time on and why? 3 What have you learned about revision? How have peer workshops, and opportunities to revise helped your writing and your writing process? Did you benefit from comments made by your peers and or did you benefit from commenting on your peer's papers? Explain.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1 Could you ever relate to the above meme of the dog writing? If so, explain why? Reflect on when you felt like you had “no idea what you are doing” as a writer. What are some things that you now know about writing and some that you still do not know?
It common to be blank as a writer, I could relate to the dog meme. This happens especially if you try to write when you tired, weary, and did not have enough sleep. One tends to have an idea, but you cannot implement it and make that first sentence. Staring at a blank screen for hours and the cursor keeps blinking off and on like it is talking to the owner to use it. Looks like a “just write” blink. However, if the cursor blinks again one too many times, one gets frustrated and end up closing the computer. Today as a writer I have observed that sometimes, you have to let that chapter go and write totally unrelated aspects and catch up with the undone chapter when you ready. This is so because when one writes in this kind of atmosphere, most the times the piece written comes out lame and unfulfilling. Another aspect my fellow writers should not ignore is alcohol and medication. That one too many glasses of wine leave you in not a complete sober mind state. One thing certain is that alcohol does not have a positive effect on my writing as I end up deleting and rethinking passages more often. I have heard writers talk of the Muse; I still do not know if The Muse exists.
2 Look at the picture below. Comment on your different practices when writing for school versus for social media updates. What are some aspects of writing for school t...
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