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Details from Of Mice and MenPage

Essay Instructions:

You did and followed direction on the one you did on themes can you do this for these three same format---You will read 3 texts: Of mice and men, Tale of Two Cities and Sherwood Anderson’s short story “Loneliness” pay close attention to the setting. Setting is the literary element that consists of time and place. The setting can help shape the personality of characters, create moos and develop the theme. Write detail of the setting in this organizer and connect them to mood, character or theme. Write 5 paragraphs in which you reflect on what you learned/noticed/inferred about how the setting is used in all three selections. Use examples from the novel you noted above. Example as I was reading these pieces I noticed that setting provided a context for the story, putting the reader in a certain time and place. It helps reveal character. I never realized that a place could help share……….. 


You will read 3 texts: Of mice and men, Tale of Two Cities and Sherwood Anderson’s short story “Loneliness” pay close attention to the setting. Setting is the literary element that consists of time and place. The setting can help shape the personality of characters, create moos and develop the theme. Write detail of the setting in this organizer and connect them to mood, character or theme

Write 5 paragraphs in which you reflect on what you learned/noticed/inferred about how the setting is used in all three selections. Use examples from the novel you noted above.

Example as I was reading these pieces I noticed that setting provided a context for the story, putting the reader in a certain time and place. It helps reveal character. I never realized that a place could help share………..

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Details from Of Mice and MenPage #Literary element (mood, character, theme, etc.)1. On page three George is seen to check the river before they cross. This shows that he is very careful as he does not want to drown. The river setting brings out the character (Bbc.co.uk).3Character: George is careful 2. On the twenty sixth and twenty seventh page George is seen to speak for Lennie in manner that suggests that he is protective of Lennie. The room setting that George is in with his friends brings out the character along with agitation in Curley’s voice.26-27Character: George is protective 3. At the river pool, there are a lot of dreams and hopes that are spread through the story. This is where the story starts and it is also where the story ends. Most of the dreams about the aspirations that both Linnie and George had are shared here (Bbc.co.uk).2-15-99Theme of hope and dreams4. The bunkhouse is a setting that is used by the writer to bring out some fundamental themes. It is here that much of the cruelty, violence and jealousy are most evident.9-17Themes of violence, cruelty and jealousy.5. Crooks’s room is also a setting that brings about many of the elements of death, fear, violence, discrimination and bad tempers. It is hear that Lennie is beaten up badly.31-66-67The mood of fear and anger6. The barn is also one of the most important settings in the novel as it brings out the characters and their mood along with some of the major themes in the novel. It is here that Lennie’s puppy died.33A mood of sadness and caring 7. The dream farm is also crucial in the novel as it bring on the theme of friendship and that of hope. It is the one thing that kept both Lennie and George so close (Bbc.co.uk).Theme of hope and dreams.
Theme of friendship
Details from LonelinessPage #Literary element (mood, character, theme, etc.)One the first page of the Sherwood Anderson’s short story “Loneliness”, there is a mood created which illuminates desperation. This is due to the fact that the main character Enoch seems to have a dream but cannot achieve it due to his immaturity.1Mood of desperation As Enoch moves from the small farm into the city there is a mood created related to the hopes that he had about his dreams (Identitytheory.com). As such the change in settings from the farm to the city creates a mood of happiness and anxiousness and a theme of hope and dreams in the young boy’s life.1Mood of anxiousness and happiness.
Theme of hope and dreams.The theme of loneliness which is quite prominent in the text also comes out through when he is in the room and is trying to explain the painting. There is also a sense of desperation for Enoch as he knows exactly what he wants to say but is not in a position to express his thought. The only way he has always known to bring out his thoughts is also in this case misunderstood, by the audience.3Theme of loneliness and the desperation mood.On page three the author also creates a setting in the mind of the character Enoch. In this case, he does not want the normal friends that every other child would want; rather he is okay with the friends in his head (Identitytheory.com). He creates fanciful world where he is in control. This brings out the theme of loneliness in the boys life that is eminent.3Theme of loneliness On page four, Enoch is in the room where he is seen as a happy character. He seems to be talking to his imaginary friends and is happy as a child. Despite the fact that this was prominently his lonely self creations, he was happy. As such using the room that once created despair, there is a mood...
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