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Depiction of Women in Two Alcohol Advertisements

Essay Instructions:

Write a 3page textual analysis comparing/contrasting two alcohol ads with special attention on how you think the ads illuminate any change in gender relations within the U.S. over a 50-year period. Choose one ad from the 1950s and one from post-2000 that are uploaded into blackboard in the assignments’ section. Use a standard MLA heading and style for your paper.

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Textual Analysis of Alcohol Advertisements
Companies and businesses like to tap into the zeitgeist of the time to promote their products. Their ads reflect the societal attitude and opinions towards certain issues that affect society CITATION Kat10 \l 1033 (Frith & Mueller, 2010). Alcohol industry advertises heavily, and it has heavily been relying on feminism. As feminism movement evolved to its present-day form, the alcohol industry has changed its depiction and place of woman in the society as it tries to reflect the change in societal perspective of the same. The depiction of a woman and her place in the society and how it has changed in five decades is demonstrated by Schiltz 1952 ad and Jose Cuervo 2000 image ads. Both ads explicitly advertise alcohol by subtly riding on the feminism wave of the day.
The first Ad “anyway, you didn’t burn the Schlitz!” Shows a woman with a burnt pan in her hand, crying and leaning on her husband. From the surrounding, the woman seems to have been cooking, and the beer and the tableware were set by her before. However, something happened that caused her to burn the food. Then her husband came to comfort her:” Anyway, you didn’t burn the Schlitz!” Therefore, from the title of this ad and animation, the beer in the ad is supposed to be so tasty that the man was congratulating themselves for not losing the beer in the accident. This gentleman loved this beer so much, so this advertisement told us the quality of this product. In matters dressing, the man is dressed in a suit and seemingly from work or heading to some white-collar work. The woman seems to be dressed in a long dress and a kitchen apron which was a standard in the 1950s CITATION Ste151 \l 1033 (Feinstein, 2015). Since she has set the table for dinner probably, she is being congratulated for not burning the bear which seems to insinuate that she is the one responsible for domestic chores in the house.
The second ad is by Jose Cuervo Tequila in 2000. The Tequila ad shows a man embracing his mate(wife) on the beach, and they seem to be joyful. The man has lifted the woman high up such that her head is above his. She has wrapped her hands around the man, and they are both smiling heartedly. The woman is dressed in a bikini while the man is in a white vest. They seem to have been in the water as their hairs are still wet. In the center of the poster showe...
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