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The Darkest Day in my Young Life

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Content
Submit your 1,000-word final draft of the narrative essay in Word. Remember to DOUBLE-SPACE and follow the standard format: Name, date, and course in upper-left-hand corner followed by a title centered on the page. The document MUST BE in WORD or I cannot grade it.

personal narrative about an event in your life that will be engaging to your audience (your classmates and me) and that will convey the significance of the event. Tell your story vividly and dramatically. The drafting process entails a polished first draft, and after I review it and return it to you, you can then submit a final draft.

Topics: The possibilities are endless. The event does not have to be highly dramatic to be told dramatically. It does not have to be earth-shattering to be interesting or significant. It just has to be told well, and it needs to convey a sense of why the event is important to you. What makes for a well-told story? In this case, it fulfills the criteria listed below.

1) A well-told story. This is usually accomplished through elements like suspense, humor, and dialogue. Tell a STORY, not a SERMON.
3) A vivid presentation of places and people. Help us, your audience, relive your story through vivid description that draws upon the five senses. But you have to be selective and figure out which details are important to get across your meaning. In this essay, it is more important to SHOW than to TELL what happened.
4) An indication of the event’s significance in a THESIS (the MAIN POINT). This is often the hardest part of the assignment. After reading the essay, your audience should understand WHY the story was worth telling in the first place. You may not even know yourself until after you begin writing about it. The story must somehow be bigger than its topic. For example, a story about a writer’s parents’ divorce might become an essay about loss or disappointment. It’s through the larger picture that your audience can relate to what you are describing even though they may never have experienced the same thing themselves.
5) Awareness of the complexities and ambiguities in life. Keep it real.

The worst way, however, to convey the significance of the event to your audience is to TELL them what the meaning is, as noted in #3 above. We will understand the significance of your story when you help us RELIVE the moment through seeing and feeling what you saw and felt. Help us see the movie of the event through attention to detail.

This means that the story needs to be FOCUSED. Don’t tell us your life story. Pick a SINGLE EVENT, a MOMENT in time, and get it moving in the first paragraph. The very first sentence should start the story; do not open with a general introduction.

Additional criteria: These are the criteria described in the syllabus and that apply to all of the essay assignments this semester: 1) a clear central idea, 2) development, 3) organization, 4) an awareness of audience, 5) and mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Darkest Day in my Young Life
Student’s Name:
Instructor’s Name:
Due Date:
The Darkest Day in my Young Life
Growing up, the family was at the center of everything we did, creating strong family bonds. Family events or gatherings were some of the best moments that I always looked forward to as we made merry and had fun. The family aspect had been integrated into everything we did, which became part of our lives. As a young child, my holidays were mostly spent at home or visiting my relatives, and this had become a routine for a very long time. I could always tell how my holidays would be even before they started. I had come to enjoy the visitations as they allowed me to travel, something I had grown fond of. However, one of the holidays that I looked forward to the most turned out to be one of the darkest days in my young life.
It was during the school holiday breaks, and I had just started my holiday with a lot of excitement. At last, I could take a break from school work that always put me under too much pressure, with less time to relax. The holidays were the best time for me as I could rest, have fun, and get to visit our family members. It had been a while since I had gone visiting my grandparents. Therefore, I requested my parents to allow me to go and see them during the holidays. I was excited at the prospect of being at my grandparent’s house for the better part of the holiday as it meant more relaxing and being pampered throughout. My grandparents always cherished our presence, and they did everything they could to make us happy and comfortable while we were visiting them. I had stayed at my grandparent’s several times before, and each time I left, I felt that I could have stayed longer with them. I realized that I was not the only grandchild who enjoyed staying at my grandparents as I could bump into my cousins there, making the stay even more enjoyable.
I had come to grow fond of my grandfather as I believed he went an extra step to ensure that his grandchildren were happy. As a child, I remember he sided with me on several occasions whenever I faced opposition from my parents after requesting something. I had come to know that he would always be on my side as long as what I was requesting was reasonable. Therefore, I had made a habit of requesting things from my parents in my grandfather’s presence in case they refused. Apart from that, my grandfather was a gentle and happy soul, and I could easily open up to him more than anyone else in the family, which made our bond grow even stronger. On the other hand, my grandmother gave us the tough love, ...
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