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Cultural Clash As Depicted in ˜The Oracle

Essay Instructions:

Paper #1 

Analyzing The Oracles by Pati Navalta Poblete

MLA Title page and Works Cited required

( Essay Title need to be Create by Writer )

(I need to have the essay by Feb.07 )

( Please include the draft and final essay paper )

Make your own argument about an issue or idea raised in Pati Navalta Poblete’s book The Oracles. Do not simply summarize her story. 

Make an argument about the book that you would need to prove or convince your reader of. Use questions like these to guide you: 

What stands out as most significant in this story and why? What do you think your reader can learn from this story that he or she may not have understood or appreciated before? What do you feel is particularly important or revealing in this story? What is the larger impact of or what outcomes can be achieved through reading this story? Is your topic narrow enough to fully cover in a short paper?

***Paper Topics Rules

Theme: Memoir—Adversity & Selfhood

All the writing you will be doing in this course is reading-based. This means that every essay you write will be 

a response to and analysis of the reading arguing a point of view about the reading. If you write an essay that 

does not mention the reading or directly examine the reading, it will be considered off topic and will receive 

little to no credit. You will not be writing plot summaries. You will summarize parts of the reading to support 

your argument, but summary should not take over your paper. Each paragraph should serve to prove a clear 

and specific point and all paragraphs should work together to prove one unifying, thesis (opinion on the reading). 

For all papers, except the midterm and final exam, you will be creating your own argument about the assigned 

reading so that you are writing from a place of interest rather than duty. You cannot pass this course if you fail 

to turn in one of the assigned paper

• Use the stated paper formatting standards. In an English class, the most common paper formatting approach is MLA. 

• Follow the assignment. It is essential that you follow the guidelines of the assignment or else you risk receiving little to 

no credit for your work. English classes are also teaching students how to successfully complete college-level tasks, so 

take some time in the beginning to ensure you are doing what was asked.

• Apply writing standards in your paper. This Rhetoric walks you through the fundamental essay components, so 

apply these concepts to your writing. There is also an Essay Checklist in Chapter 4 that you can use to ensure you 

have covered all the bases your instructor will be expecting in an academic paper: 

Use the Essay Checklist to make sure you have all the necessary essay elements but here is 

also a quick guide of things not to forget: 

• MLA formatting: on the first page, include your own title centered at the top, the course info (your name, the class, the instructor, the date) 

in the top left corner and in the top right corner of each page, your last name next to the page number. Typed, double spaced throughout, 

font 12, one inch margins and be sure to meet the page minimum (Please note: 10 pts are removed for each page the paper is under the 

required minimum length and 5 pts for half a page under. Don’t go solely by word count but by actual length). 

MLA Conventions (Rhetoric 172-176): http://www(dot)skylinecollege(dot)edu/skyenglish/5MLA.htm 

• Creative title: Creating a strong, clear, appealing title is an important part of any writing task. The title is the reader’s first introduction to 

your piece of writing, and first impressions matter. Therefore, you want to create a title which pulls in your reader’s interest and makes him 

or her want to keep reading. Make your essay stand out from the others and draw in your reader.

The Writing Process (Rhetoric 153-154): http://www(dot)skylinecollege(dot)edu/skyenglish/4Writing.htm

• Works Cited: when you are writing about a text, you will always include a Works Cited even if you are only citing the text you wrote about. 

If you did research, include all your outside sources on the Works Cited page as well. List the sources alphabetically by author last name or 

by title if there is no author. 

MLA Conventions (Rhetoric 177-181): http://www(dot)skylinecollege(dot)edu/skyenglish/5MLA.htm

• Revising and Editing: the best writing is rewriting so before turning in an essay for a grade, use the advice on revising (making larger global 

changes) and editing (making sentence level corrections) to ensure that you have submitted your best work.

Revising (Rhetoric 143-152) & Editing (Rhetoric 155-161): http://www(dot)skylinecollege(dot)edu/skyenglish/4Writing.htm

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name:
Topic: Cultural Clash As Depicted in ‘The Oracle’
As a young girl growing in America, Pati Novelta is disappointed to find her way of life interrupted when her four grandparents arrive from the Philippines. She even describes Grandma Fausta as one of the four strangers expected to turn her life upside down. This would not be the case. Grandma Fausta came to America to be welcomed to a totally new setting and culture. Several cultural differences for example the way of family life was quite different from that in the Philippines. Though they later get accustomed to this cultural setting, they even try to adopt the same and even invite relatives like Grandma Patricia to America to earn some living.
Cultural clashes clearly exhibit themselves in ‘The Oracle’. The mode of entertainment and time accorded to play for the children in America baffled Grandma Fausta. Often, she saw the time spent by Pati as she played around the garden and sometimes watching television as idling. She expected Pati to come and help him with mopping and at least engage in some household activities. Pati was the opposite though she feared her Grandma; she did not even dare call her friends to play with her in the garden. Her granddaughters, Pati’s age mates in the Philippines had already been taught how to cook and sew but the same could not be explained of Pati.
In America, they were at least advanced technologically. Pati expected little or no effort to be used in household duties like washing clothes and even mopping. The same cannot be said at least from where Grandma Fausta hailed from. She even explains to Pati not to expect the machines to do a tidy work. She said to Pati
"..Do you think pushing that stick around will get out the work? That is for lazy people. We do not use those in the Philippines….I will show you how to wash clothes. Those machines will not take the dirt and sweat out. They will just dry the sweat and dirt deeper into the clothes." CITATION Pob06 \l 7177 (Poblete)
She believed in involvement of human effort in whatever tasked assigned but in America, there were innovations meant to reduce involvement of effort but the same task being performed by machines. She considered use of machines as ‘laziness’.
Generational strife also compounded Fausta and Pati’s relationship. When Grandma Pati arrived from the Philippines at the airport, she expected Pati to take her hand to Pati’s forehead; a sign of respect in Philippines. But Pati did not. She judged a child’s show of respect to her elders through eye contact. She once told Pati
"..Why do you look me like that? You American. Children in the Philippines never look at their grandparents that way. You have no respect..." CITATION Pob06 \l 7177 (Poblete)
Pati, as a child, expected more freedom to play and interact with friends. She took any opportunity to play outside and ride her bicycle until dusk expecting dinner to be prepared already. She did not matter how it was or who prepared it. But Grandma Fausta expected the opposite. She wanted Pati to know how to prepare the ‘strange’ foods, how to wash and even mop the floor. Apparently, Fausta expected Pati to hail God’s existence and the importance of going to church. During Sunday Mass, she emphasized o...
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