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The Crucible by Arthur Miller Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

discuss the role that grudges and personal rivalries play in the witch trial hysteria. how do the witch trials empower individuals who were previously powerless? how does John Proctor's great dilemma change during the course of the play? what is his tragic position. is he a hero at the end? write about the character of Elizabeth proctor and her dilemma. what is the history of her marriage to john. how does her character grow and change? compare the roles that elizabeth proctor and abigail williams play in the crucible focus on abigail williams' character. how is she able to manipulate so many people, not just the other young girls but the adults as well. what becomes of her ? what role does sex, and sexual repression, play in the crucible ? why are Danforth, Hathorne, and the other authorities so resistant to belting the claim that Abigail and the other girls are lying ? analyze reverend Parrris. what are his motivations in supporting the witch trials discuss the changes that Reverend Hale undergoes in the course of the play. what is the theme of the play and how does it reflects modern times ? do some research on the joe McCarthy Hearing of the 1950's when the red scare created a witch hunt in our government, with the committee on UnAmerican Activities, especially among hollywood actors and writers. does the play work on both levels ?

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In act one, Proctor faces a dilemma in adultery, as the author refers to him as “a sinner against his own vision of decent conduct.” (Miller) This crisis proceeds to the public as Proctor is swept into Salem Witch trials. He confessed to his wife Elizabeth, of his adultery with Abigail and he has been seeking for repentance. He felt like, to stop Abigail from her lies, he would need to confess of his adultery. Initially, he refrained from confessing for his wife`s honor (Mcgill 5). But as Proctor`s attempts to reveal information about Abigail being a fraud without confessing to the affair fails, he then publicly confesses to his sins. By the time he confessed, he is accused of being a witch (Miller).
The dilemma in his accusations arises when Miller refrains from revealing testimonies of the events, since the interest of the audience in these would have intensified Proctor`s dilemma. Proctor speaks scathingly of Abigail saying “It is a whore” when Proctor is asked for proof, he repeats his private confession for the court (Mcgill). Unfortunately, his truth speaking created a sense of doubt and he is then accused of practicing witchcraft with his wife. He becomes publicly disgraced (Stratford).
The dilemma in conscience arises when Proctor is faced with execution and he signs a false confession, yet he refuses to relinquish the document. He is convinced by the judges and Hale to sign his confession, but he wouldn’t bring himself to do it. This action dishonours fellow prisoners that will not sign false confession. He realises how his honor and honesty are worth more than escaping from the gallows. This dilemma ...
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