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The Crucible by Arthur Miller: John and Elizabeth Proctor's Dilemmas

Essay Instructions:

Paper Topic: 2) How does John Proctor's great dilemma change during the course of the play? What is his tragic position. Is he a hero at the end? Or 3) Write about the character of Elizabeth Proctor and her dilema. What is the history of her marriage to John. How does her character grow and change?

500-600 Words. Be sure to use quotes from the play to support your points. Give your paper A title, have a correct formatted works cited page. Use 3 secondary sources (Check the Artemis Data Base and Drama For Students) in addition to primary text, the play itself. Please double space and use 12 pt. Font

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The Crucible by Arthur Miller
John Proctor
John proctor`s dilemma in adultery is shown in his flaws, a secret flaw that is his affair with Abigail. He has private and public crises and his wife is informed of the affair and this causes her to doubt him. Proctor is then swept into the maelstrom of the Salem witch trials. Elizabeth is cold to him “would freeze beer” (Miller 78) Elizabeth relents calling Proctor a “good man” and she finds herself accused of witchcraft. This changes to dilemma in accusation as John Proctor tries not to reveal the testimonies of the events that happened in the sexual affair. He describes Abigail as a whore (Mcgill). His truth in court results in him being accused of witchcraft. Proctor faces a new dilemma that wrestles with his conscience of saving himself from the gallows through confessing to a sin that he did not commit. He faces self-denial, he refuses to sign the confession, and he is executed and dies with his goodness as his wife Elizabeth said (183).
Proctor displayed good conduct and respectable character to the people. His tragic position is seen when his flaws of adultery is revealed and he is accused of practicing witchcraft together with his wife (Aziz & Suleiman 246, 247). He fails to accept signing a false confession to save himself and that is where his true heroism is portrayed. His hero nature is showed in his stature, in him saving his wife from death, and attempting to reveal fraud claims made by Abigail. At the end, Proctor is the hero since he died of his on flaws and he brought about feelings of fear of death to the audience and sympathy.
Elizabeth proctor
Elizabeth shows her moral character through expressing her view of how to treat others “I have sins of my own to count” (Miller 137). She portrayed anger towards her husband John after she ...
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