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Critical Thinking and Writing: Student Loan debt and Higher Education

Essay Instructions:

Briefly, what arguments are on display in the photo on page 424? What particular aspects of college education are these protesters critical of? Do you agree or disagree with them? Why?

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Critical Thinking and Writing: Student Loan debt and Higher Education
The main message is that public colleges and universities should be tuition-free, which will make it easier for more students, especially, low-income earners to afford college. Among the captions are “freeze tuition, abolition tuition,” “smash the bourgeoisie,” and “open admission, no tuition.” The students are concerned about the mounting student debt and how this affects their prospects at a time when the income and wealth divide is growing between the ‘bourgeoisie’ and others. While the students focus on public colleges, the increase in for-profit higher education colleges and costs of attending college represent a problem with the US colleges where students leave school with huge debt burdens compared to the industrialized countries. Student loan debt remains a big challenge for college student during and after college, but programs targeting the neediest students and facilitating the completion of degrees may be more beneficial than abolishing tuition fees.
The rising cost of higher education is overburdening college students that many resulted in taking up more student loans. Both the cost of living and cost of financing higher education has increased in the US over the decades, and loans overburden students and exploited by the loaning firms that the students protested against increasing education tuition fees, sort of living and student loan levels. For a majority of US students attending institutions of higher learning, many incur some debt, mostly student loan, in the wealthiest country in the world. Students from the poorest backgrounds are less likely to complete college, mainly because of financial reasons and being ill-prepared for college.
While the endless tuiti...
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