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Critical analysis evaluation essay on frankenstien

Essay Instructions:
i need an essay on Writing Assignment: Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay ow that you have completed Mary Shelley\'s Frankenstein, locate at least one critical analysis essay written about the 1818 version of Mary Shelley\'s novel. Your source should be reliable and located in a university publication (written by a professor,) a literary journal, or an online literary website. The questions in the study guides should have helped you evaluate this criticism in your head. Now it's time to write it down! Your evaluation may go more smoothly if you approach the guiding questions in this order: Evaluate the critic/author: Who wrote the criticism you read? What credentials does the author have? (If you are using a valid source, you should be able to find these easily; these details are usually just before or at the end of the essay.) Find the thesis of the article: What is the thesis of the critical article you've chosen? What point does the author want to make about Frankenstein? Evaluate the thesis: Do you agree with this thesis? Why or why not? We've covered many ideas in the study guides. Can you find points within the guides that support your agreement or disagreement with the critical writer(s)? Look for new supporting information rather than revisiting the same ones the critics have chosen. Evaluate the support: Whether you agree or disagree with the thesis, does the critic provide sufficient research from the text and outside references to make a strong case? What does the article have for support from the text or outside sources? In your opinion, what makes these references valid? Do you feel the author uses this support properly? Students need at least two critiques in addition to the novel in Works Cited in order to receive the highest score. Students need three sources in Works Cited to get Exceeds Requirement. Hint: For a thesis statement, try answering a question like: How and how well does this piece of criticism state and support its argument regarding Frankenstein? In addition to addressing each of the evaluative components above, develop your essay so it has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. You must include an evaluative thesis statement both the introduction and the conclusion. Ensure that each of your claims are supported with valid evidence from the literary criticism you have chosen, the novel, Frankenstein, and/or the study guides. Using proper MLA style, insert parenthetical citations for all borrowed information in addition to a Works Cited page for Frankenstein and your chosen literary critique; you are not required to cite the study guides.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date of submission: EVALUATION OF A CRITICAL ANALYSIS ON FRANKENSTEIN Frankenstein is a fascinating novel that was written by Mary Shelley around the year one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Frankenstein was the first main literary work by Shelley, which was completed before she was twenty years of age. Frankenstein has been able to gain credit in the nineteenth century, as a pioneering attempt in the progression of the novel as well as a progenitor in the fiction of science. Thus, a critical analysis provided by Prof. Allingham from Lakehead University, is worth evaluating regarding this interesting story. Philip Allingham is the contributing editor in the Victorian Web, which is in the Faculty of Education in Lakehead University in Canada. His analysis of the novel is a summery based on modern criticism, which enlightens closely on the inner meanings and intentions of the original author, Shelley while she wrote it. The critic’s intention in analyzing the story is to illustrate the mythic measurements of the three-fold story. In addition, he wants to bring out the ways in which the author able to draw a correspondence between the hope of scientific glory by young Frankenstein, which prompted him to construct a monster as well as God, is forming the archangel that would in return turn out to be the rebel Satan. The critic also wants to show vividly from the story of Frankenstein the way the issue of God creating man has been handled by Mary Shelley. He elaborates a certain phrase in the story that says, “Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay to mould Me man?” thus, the critic puts in that this fable by Shelley is meant to enquire into the blame of the Creator because of the misery as well as evil in the world that He created (Allingham, 23). It is very agreeable that Shelley’s novel of Frankenstein was exceptional, being written by a girl who was barely twenty years. The critic’s elaboration of her experiences that would lead to this wonderful piece is commendable, as he attempts to bring out the hardships and ordeals that Shelley went through in her youthful age. Taking after her own parents, where the father was a novelist and mother a poet, she was set to excel and become one of the memorable inventors of scientific fiction. The thorough reading of her parents’ work and other modern Gothic novels as well as the literature of great romantics enabled her to excel in the story of Frankenstein. Shelley was as well engaged in continu...
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