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Creative Rewrite on Room (Emma Donoghue)

Essay Instructions:

The paper contains TWO parts. Part 1: Please grewriteh an episode in the book "Room" by Emma Donoghue from another narrative perspective than the one presented by the author. This is an example of gwriting back.h This episode could be a scene from one small section of the original where you add dialogue, or remove a character and rewrite without him/ her, or change the ending of the scene. Or, you might choose to write a history for one of the characters to fill in gaps in the text. You might choose to continue the narrative after the literary work ends to address some unanswered questions. You can do this in whatever medium you want. You could create a sound track, act out a scene, or cook a meal. Your piece may be prose, poetry, drama, visual, musical, dance, culinary, sculptural, photographicc We are entirely open to the creative possibilities. There is no end to what you can do. This half of the assignment should be roughly 750 words or a creative equivalent. Part 2: You will need to accompany the creative piece with an analytical/ critical discussion of why you chose to describe the episode from the perspective you chose. You should address a combination of the following questions: why the episode? Why that perspective? How does it alter your reading of the work? What shortcomings in the narrative does it point to? How does it relate to the issues we are discussing (PLEASE refer to my notes)? This section should be roughly a 750 word discussion of what you have done, why, and the implications of the changes. ---------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE message me and tell me what do you choose to rewrite. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course: English 101
Part 1
“Jack, you are still young, but if I tell you a true story, I know that you will understand why I want you to meet your Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle Paul.” During my College years it was normal get hitch hikes in Old Nick’s vehicle.” “Hitch hike, that is a new word Ma, you hiked on what?” No I mean one could get free rides to where you wanted to go from strangers. Being in College, students would regularly wait for free rides,” so Old Nick was a good man who offered you a free ride, said Jack “No listen, I told you that I would be the one telling the story, “Ok Ma, today I can listen, but promise me that you will read a story as I sleep.” I went to Old Nick’s vehicle willingly, after he told me that he had lost his dog and he needed to conduct a search, I agreed because he would also offer me a free ride. “Dogs like the ones on TV,” “sure, but after I entered the vehicle we searched for the dog and could not it.
“Now, I well tell you how I ended up in the Room, you see after I entered the vehicle, it was clean, and Old Nick was neat.” You see the mirror that shows our images, the only one in the room,” “ yes that one,” responded Jack, “ well a car has also two mirrors on the side ways and one near the driver. “Yes I know, but do the mirrors also show us our pictures.” “ Yes, Old Nick’s car also had the side mirrors, and I got afraid, after I saw that he would keep looking at me through the mirror.” “At first I asked him if he was sure that the dog was around the place, he assured me about that, and knowing how I loved dogs, I decided to continue helping Old Nick to search for the dog.” “It was around 12 O’clock, and Old Nick took out two sodas, he gave me one and he took the other,” “but why is he giving us little food now, said Jack.” “That is a story for another day.”
“I have told you that Old Nick is not good, he put some medicine in my drink,” “ you drink the same soda, Ma did you see him put medicine.” “Jack, after I drank the soda, I lost sense and fell asleep.” “I think I woke up after twenty minutes, and I could not understand where I was. “Old Nick had tied my hands and legs, and put a cloth on my head so I could not see,” “Ma, Old Nick is a policeman; only police know to tie people, “police only tie people who have done wrong.” After some time, the vehicle moved I sensed that the vehicle had changed direction from the bigger road, because the ride was not smooth like before. “The vehicle stopped suddenly, and Old Nick told me to get out from the back seat.” He removed the tying to the legs, but I could not see, and guessed that that was his house.”
“I was afraid and thought of screaming, but Old Nick said that no one would hear me, you see Jack I wanted to run away, but I could not see and did not know where I was.” Old Nick removed the cloth on my head, and I saw that the place looked isolated.” “Old Nick removed a knife and told me he would do bad things if I did not listen to what he told me, and this made me more afraid of what he was going to do.” “He led me to the Room, and closed the door using the code, and although I could see a little, my hands were still tried. As the day went on it became darker, and I could not see.” “The first day Old Nick brought food at night, and forced me to eat, he also told me that if I did not eat he would let make go hungry the next day.”
“You see my boy, that one day turned into seven years, and I have not known any other home, and that is why I want you to see other places outside this room.” “The first night was terrible, the room remained dark and I did not know my way around the room, or where to sleep.”When it was very late in the night Old Nick came in the room, and stated tried to tie my legs again. I tried to resist, but he was strong and I was know tied both my legs and hands again.” “Ma that story is too hard to believe, can you finish quickly so that you can read story as ...
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