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Computer Simulation Advantages, Applications, and Reasons for their Preference

Essay Instructions:

To enter a conversation about a text important to the first part of our course; to practice using another text’s claim to raise a question; to engage and convince an academic audience that is interested in but unfamiliar with the material.
In an essay of 1200 to 1500 words, make an argument essay that reflects some area within our classroom discussion and readings so far. This assignment is called, "Entering the Conversation" and that's what you are doing: you walking into our classroom, listening, discussing, and then letting us know you are entering the conversation in the classroom. What do you bring with you to the course material? What is it that interests you about this subject? Where is your "entry point" into this subject?
This paper must be in MLA format, 12-font, Times New Roman, with 1-inch margins. You must use both of the textbooks in our class plus one outside source (preferably a peer-reviewed journal, academic/professional book, or a .org/.edu webpage). You are free to structure the argument in any way you wish (definition, narration, persuasion, traditional argument, classify and divide, process and analysis, cause and effect, compare and contrast) though stronger arguments will be “economic” (meaning a combination of several approaches. What interests you here from the start and what do you want to say about this?
We will continue to discuss the theories and ideas expressed in our textbooks during our class time, we will also find time in future classes for various manners of reflective writing to keep you inspired.
You are using MLA-style citation and formatting. If you need a review make sure to see the OWL webpage.
You have a lot of freedom to find what it is that you want to say here.
Remember to email me or stop by Office Hours to discuss any topics that you may be unsure about.
Please do not write papers about Philosophers, Physicists, Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Experts in the fields of Consciousness, Engineering, Biology, or even Movie Directors/Writers living in Ivory Towers and not dealing with real things. These are experts in their field, accomplished, published, with PhD's (in some cases, multiple) or award-winning, and the tired, Conservative approach of "these idiot professors and experts" when speaking about experts will be rewarded with immediate professor wrath.
Must incorporate ideas from these articles:
And ideas from the movie " The Matrix" (1999)
( The essay should relate dystopian novels like "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley and "1984" by George Orwell into the articles and sources mentioned above)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name
Course Name and Number
Instructor's Name
Date of Submission
Entering the Conversation
The course material focuses on utilizing science fiction writings to examine the ultimate arrival of singularity, whereby topics like simulated existence act as guides in investigating the validity. Therefore, my argument will be based on computer simulation. The paper starts by explaining the meaning of computer simulation. This is followed by an argumentative analysis focusing on simulations whereby their advantages, applications, and reasons for their preference are analyzed. Additional aspects like its fundamental nature use and benefits are explored to widen the understanding of computer simulation. Finally, the argument regarding whether we live in a computer simulation is evaluated.
Computer Simulation
A computer simulation is a method of simulating a real-world operation or mechanism using a computer. The performance of another system, which is substantially modeled on the first, reflects the different actions of the first. A model, or a quantitative representation of the actual system, is required for a simulation. This takes the guise of computer programs, which encapsulate the identified program's fundamental traits or behaviors. In this case, the model is essentially a reflection of the network, and the simulation process is used to describe the system's functioning through time. To reduce the risks of creating new systems, computer simulation is used. Computer simulation software and statistical evaluation methodologies have improved over the last few generations to provide decision-makers with instruments that are up to the challenge (McHaney). The tolerance for mistakes will diminish as society becomes technological, and the demand for accuracy is becoming more critical. During the construction of systems, businesses, industries, and governments cannot manage to make estimates. As a result, computer simulation is more significant than ever.
Simulation can determine the behaviors of individual components that are altered. For this reason, it is imperative to understand the advantages, applications, and reasons why simulation is used. Simulation employs a framework to obtain findings of the functioning of the real components under investigation. Computer simulation employs the same approach but needs the design generated through computing (McHaney). While the accessibility of sophisticated software and hardware has helped this discipline develop and thrive, its roots in predicting future behaviors go back a long way. Since ancient times, men and women have tried to predict the future using wizards and prophets. Today, the prophets are no longer used, and instead, modern magic incorporating mathematical principles and computer statistics are used.
Advantages of Simulation
Simulators can give operators practical information when creating real-world systems, which is one of their significant benefits. This enables the designer to assess the validity and effectiveness prior to its implementation. As a result, the user can investigate the benefits of various configurations without creating the systems physically. Another advantage of simulators is that they allow system developers to explore a challenge at multiple abstraction levels (McHaney). By pursuing a framework at an abstract level, the developer can understand the behaviors and interactions of all of the program's elevated components and is thus effectively prepared to deal with the overarching system's sophistication. 
Application of Simulation
Simulation is used to assess the impact of operational processes, novel techniques, and equipment purchases. Engineers can use simulation to compare contrasting approaches and concepts to analyze the functionality of an operating system or anticipate the functionality of a designed network. Simulation is a cost-effective substitute for testing hypotheses and adjustments in the actual world. System development cycles, performance under various loads, resource optimization, blockages and pinch points, staffing requirements, and the efficiency of planning and control systems are all variables that can be measured via simulation.
Why Use Simulation
Simulation modeling is a method of undertaking actual challenges sustainably and effectively. It provides a valuable approach of assessment that is guileless to prove, deliberate, and comprehend. Simulation modeling distributes comprehensive services across segments and disciplines by providing unblemished perceptions into convoluted systems. Experimenting on a realistic digital representation of a system is possible with simulation. Simulation modeling, except for physical modelings, such as making a magnitude prototype of a building, is computer-based and employs techniques and symmetries. Simulation software generates a vibrant atmosphere for scrutinizing computer models while they are functioning, with the possibility of seeing them in 2D or 3D (McHaney). Simulation has a wide range of applications in businesses. It is habitually used when doing trials on an actual system that is infeasible customarily because of their cost or time constraints. The use of simulation is also encouraged due to its increased accuracy and ability to handle uncertainty.
Computer Simulation Basic Nature
Computer simulatio...
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