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Compare and Contrast Assignment: Color Purple by Alice Walker

Essay Instructions:

Read a crosssection of poems and essays by Alice Walker. On website : http://alicewalkersgarden(dot)com/
Write an essay of no fewer than 750 words in which you explore how the themes in the book "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, are presented and expanded in Walker's other writings.

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How various themes in Color Purple by Alice Walker are presented and expanded in Walker’s other writings
Alice Walker begins the story in The Color Purple with a teenage girl named Celie. Her step-father sexually assaulted her. Celie was advised to seek refuge from God. She expressed her feelings to God in writings. In her first letter, Celie demonstrated how Alphonso impregnated her to conceive her second child. This happened at the time when Celie overwhelmingly trusted Alphonso as her biological father because her mother has repeatedly been told informed her. Her mother passed away a few years when she was barely less than fourteen years. It was absurd that Alphonso continues to abuse and rape her even after he has remarried to another wife. Celie hardly live with her children because they were taken away from her by Alphonso. These paper will, therefore, explore how various themes in Color Purple are presented and expanded in Walker's other literary works.
The theme of violent is evidently dominant in the novel Color Purple and other Walker’s poems and stories. Most of the female characters in the novel like Celie are victims of violence. Meanwhile, men are also propagating the theme of violence through several attempts of beatings and raping their wives. Celie, the main protagonist in the novel, writes a letter to God explaining how she conceived her second child through sexual abuse from her step-father who she heartily trusts. Besides sexual abuse and raping, Celie suffers repeated violence from her husband and father after the death of her mother, though she becomes submissive and shut down emotionally. After experiencing extreme abuse, some women gathered courage and decides to be independent. Celie gained the courage to divorce her husband and start a new life. The theme of violence is also evident in the poem, Leaving Managua.
The theme of religion is also envisioned in The Color Purple through a series of letter written by Celie to God as she expressed her feelings. In her imagination, she believes God is an old white man, perhaps something like Gandalf. She later catches feelings and gets emotional against God because she has...
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